Sunday, February 5, 2012

Are these the signs of a shy girl who likes me? If so, what should my next move be?

There is a girl at my job who seems to be very shy... not sure yet. Everytime I look at her, I catch her staring at me, and she holds it a little bit longer than most shy girls. I talk to her, and she smiles, I just recently made a bold move and brought her flowers and a teddy bear in her cashier line in front of every customer and told her she was special, and she said Thank You. The only thing keeping me from making the major move is she gives me a hard time when I call her my girlfriend, or when I crack jokes about liking her. My question is, is that normal for a shy girl to put up a little resistance against me? Am I moving too fast? Is she even shy?

Are these the signs of a shy girl who likes me? If so, what should my next move be?
Hmm.. you should've asked her out for atleast one date before you buy her flowers and a teddy bear. So yeah, you were going through the steps wrong. Honestly you messed up, but who cares about whether she likes you, you can make her attracted to you like crazy if you change your ways.

Try to undo your mistake. Try playful teasing, like "Your SO no my type. We can never get along." or "OH my god your so cute your just like my little sister. I wanna adopt you"

or how about "your not my girfriend anymore"

she'd be like "I'm never your girlfriend"

and you'd be like "more the reason to break up with you!"

I know that this is against logic to you, but it works. Keep her guessing, so you seem to like her one minute, but backs off the next minute. Ok after that, go for the phone number. Then go phone her to ask her out in a few days.
Reply:aww its sweet but then i think that shy girls dont like all the attention going to them like that.. i think u should consider talking to her as a friend n dont joke around too much cuz maybe she doesnt like jokes like that.. the more u get to know her the more she will like u.. friends first :D

she could b mad at the fact that u did that in front of everyone if she IS shy but i think u should pull her aside serious n with a sincere "im sorry if i embarrassed u, i didn't mean to.. i just wanted to let u know i DO think ur special n even if u dont feel the same way about me id still like to get to know u" (heh-heh sorry a bit proud of myself right there i just came up with it) anyway im sure it would melt her heart if she felt somethin for u n if it didnt she would put u into consideraton n she might even tell u then that she feels the same :D hope this helps!
Reply:YOu should just talk to her about the situation. I went through the same with the girl at my work. It was hard to talk about it so we Im'ed all night. I thought i was going to ask her out and try to court her and make her fall for me but then i found out that she really liked me too so everything turned out for the best.

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