Sunday, February 5, 2012

Strange, yet pleasant dream (Click for details)?

I had a dream a few months ago, (In-body) that I was walking along a road with hills on either side, and to my right was a little farm sitting atop a hill! I went inside the small house next to it, (which was occupied by the owner of the farm) and a kind-looking old man was playing cards with his buff trucker brothers. He got out of his seat and showed me his crops. They were flowers that grew to the size of cornstalks! They were of every color, and if you stuck your hand inside, you would find a very tasty and crunchy seed that looked like a small eggplant but was the color of the flower it came from. The man had a small stable in the back where he kept sheep. He never sheared them, but their coats were neat and trim. He used the sheep for harvesting the seeds. They would go in a straight line, side by side, and go through the field, rolling the seeds as they went. After a while, the seeds were in a neat pile. Then I woke up. What does this all mean?

Strange, yet pleasant dream (Click for details)?
there is something special about you that you would like to have recognized by others, but your modest too and don't want a lot of attention (small farm, small house). the old man knows that there is something special about you, he's wise and he values you as a person, and he knows you deserve to share in something very special. you long for a person like that in your life and you'd benefit from volunteering your time to be with others who will value you and you will be able to demonstrate the special things about who you are.
Reply:He mistyped the site. It's


To see seeds in you dream, symbolizes fertility, heritage, and potential. It also represents the continuity of life. Alternatively, it relates to the human psyche and soul. An idea has been planted in your mind and new experiences are created.


To see sheep in your dream, indicates that you lack initiative to venture out on your own. You feel uncreative and just conforming or going along with the flow.

(Although I'm guessing you just saw Evan Almighty or the trailer for it!)


To see or live on a farm in your dream, suggests that you need to develop aspect of yourself and utilize your potential. You are ready for growth.


To see colorful flowers in your dream, signifies kindness, compassion, gentleness, pleasure, beauty, and gain. It is also symbolic of perfection and spirituality. Your dream may be an expression of love, joy and happiness. Alternatively, flowers may denote a particular time or season. If the flowers are white, then it symbolizes sadness.

To see withered or dead flowers in your dream, denotes disappointments and gloomy situations. You may not be utilizing your full potential and talents.

To dream that you receive a bouquet of flowers, represents respect, approval, admiration, and rewards.

To see flowers blooming in barren soil, signifies that energy and cheerful nature will enable you to overcome your grievances.

So, take from it what you think fits. :)
Reply:it means you a really inlove with the, im jsut kidding. You have a beautiful poetc imagination, this dream doesn't mean much except that you read a lot.
Reply:My personal opinion is that your life is hectic, and unexpected things happen to you. However you are inwardly craving a quaint life that would be easy and fun for you. Like the sheep that didn't need to be shaved, and how easy it was to harvest the seeds. You just crave a slow easy going life.
Reply:try this site

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