Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Peeling Tattoo !!?

i got a tattoo three days ago and now the black and grey lines and some of the colour in the flowers ispeeling to the point that you cant even tell its there ? its peeling off like a fake tattoo would ? is that normal. i know it peels then when its healed the colour comes out but should it be peeling so much that you cant tel its there ?

Peeling Tattoo !!?
Most tattoos will peel, but to the point that you cant see anything but skin? thats not really normal. and NEVER use vasoline, EVER! Use curel lotion, or other unsented ones, but never vasoline, that will just make it worse. If the color did come out, go bad to the shop and get it touched up in a few weeks, if its a good shop, they'll do it for free.
Reply:Well you could do two things. First you could just wait until the tattoo fades away and get a new one. Or you could go back (but you should go somewhere else since that place wasnt good) and have them go over it. I personally think tattoos are bad because when your 60 yrs old its going to look weird and creepy, so just let it fade away!
Reply:have you been rubbing the tattoo cream into it??

if not use some vasaline.

you have to keep it moist.

Reply:If you're taking care of your tattoo like you're supposed to (washing it about twice a day GENTLY in the first two weeks with a mild antibacterial soap and dabbing dry with a soft cloth, and putting something like tattoo goo or bag balm on and also leaving it exposed to air (NO PLASTIC WRAP!!! and leave gauze off)) then some peeling of the skin and/or colored/inky skin is normal. If there is no tattoo under the peeling color, that IS a problem. But unless you are picking at it or rubbing it or scratching it (DON'T!!!) or you have an infection, this shouldn't be happening. If you are having averse reactions, like severe itching or swelling or signs of infection, see a doctor. But peeling isn't always a bad thing. It's a sign of the healing process. If it's worrying you or if it doesn't seem normal, you can go back to the artist and ask him to look at it.
Reply:That is not normal at all. Go back to the studio where you had it done and get them to have a look at it. Most tattoo studio do free retouches if the tattoo has turned out right.

Normally around 3-5 days is normally when you would start putting a cream on it.

As a tattoo heals it starts to scab. DO NOT pick at it as this will pull the ink out. Just let it heal in it own time.
Reply:we in the same boat, the same thing is happening to minds and i keep it moist
Reply:keep it moist!!

don't use vaseline or stuff like that-- its not the right stuff for a tattoo.

put A %26amp; D ointment (for diaper rash) on it, or a tattoo goo kind of stuff...

keep it at least some what moist at ALL times for at least the first week to 2 weeks...

and stay away from light (ie: sunlight/tanning- etc)

let me know if it clears up or what happens!!!!
Reply:Somethings not right with that. It should be some peeling

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