Monday, February 13, 2012

Handling Difficult Customers?

So I'm a cashier. I've been doing this for 3 months at Wal-Mart and today I was very close to blowing my fuse! I worked from 10:30 am-7 pm and every agonizing minute was painful.

Today I had a lady come into my line 3 times cuz her soda was flat and even though I told her she could exchange it for a different one of the same brand she refused!

Then another lady waited until her receipt printed and I was ringing up the next customer to tell me that the pot of flowers at the very edge (I couldn't reach it so I thought someone left them) of the counter were hers and then she proceeded to roll her eyes at the next customer as if I were some idiot.

Another customer snatched her things out my hands. Another one complained that my line was too long and she didn't have time to stand there. Then finally a woman huffed off when I forgot to scan her coupon and almost started cussing at me when I let her know that customer service would help her out.

Handling Difficult Customers?
This is the only place in many people's lives where they have some power !! They can go off on a cashier without anything happening to them. Remember, the lady with the flat soda probably has an old man that sleeps around. The lady with the flowers might have druggie kids in jail. And the lady who grabbed the things out of your hand might not be able to touch anything at home without getting the crap beat out of her.

Sure they are losers, but now you KNOW they are loser. Take pity on them. After all, you are young, have a job and will attend college.

Good luck
Reply:I've done work on Customer service mate. Have had a fiar bit of abuse thrown my way. Guy with a chainsaw springs to mind but anyhoo, Just be polite (i know its hard, Mild sarcasm seems to work aswell aslong as its very subtle ;) )

Not sure if its the same over there, But You have the right to refuse to serve people. Ignore customers if theyre bullshitting, Just serve them and let them get on there way. Prove them right, Whatever.

Reply:the best way to handle these petty shallow idiots, and this is gratifying, is to take the higher moral ground, never show emotion, keep calm and a steady voice.

that way, you are in control of the situation, are unbothered, and these people are, well, petty idiots.
Reply:simple. if you can't handle the situation: ma'am/sir let me get someone who can help you...
Reply:each of those types of situations should be addressed in your training sessions as to how to deal with them. If there is someone in your line that's a complainer call the supervisor and let that person stand aside and wait for your supervisor. Some of the comments and things you experienced should roll right off your shoulders. You are being paid to do a job and should be well rested to do that job and that's why no one is considering how tired you are. When lines are too long the supervisor is usually called and more cashiers are put out to work. Occasionally people make mistakes and if you do then apologize since you have taken up their time. Seems that standing in a long line is what made people grouchy. Maybe shortage of clerks is a problem caused by the economy. As the days grow hotter there will be more edgy people.
Reply:I swear when one person ruins my karma its shot to Heck for a few hours and then I proceed to get all the Morons in my line

Try to take a deep breath, talk a tad slower and smile

nothing makes a customer look more stupid than for them to be yelling at a easy going smiling check

( I use that technique as a "inside" joke )

when a customer is rude? I "kill" them with kindness while I am plotting how to pack their bag so something gets squished
Reply:I feel like crying: Trust me I know what you're talking about... I did that too..... You should get like one of those buttons that u put on ur vest with a good message like: "It's not my fault that you live a miserable life" or "I feel your husband's pain" or "Oh, wow, I didn't know they let animals walk out of the zoo"... OK let me stop, I know you can't do that, but since you want to go to college, Be positive, Ignore those that are mean to you%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; they will feel bad later... Well I know I have, when i'm rude to someone and it's not their fault, I go and apologize... I went to the bank and I was so frustrated that took it on the banker, then called him and apologize... I felt horrible... Just ignore those SOB's%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; think that in a couple years you be making more $$$ at a better place... :-)
Reply:I know that it is very hard, but hang in there, you might want to think of little things to do when you are handling a difficult customer. this is what i did:

two weeks ago i had to go to the blood lab to give some blood, so the person who took my blood was very rude to me, but i didn;t hold it against her.

so last week my doctor wanted me to give some more blood, so as i am going into the lab i prayed to God please don't let me get this same person again, so its like 10 people taking blood and what do you know i get her again, so i choose to attack the situation like this:

i put a smile on my face, she had a frown, i said to her today you are going to smile, and she said why should i smile, to make a long story short me and her were cackling like some hens and i actually learned something from her, and to top it off she was a believer! so what I'm saying is that you can allow customers to stress out or you could realized that people really have problems and at every chance they get they will try to take it out on the bank teller, the clerk, the gas attendant etc.
Reply:Yes, unfortunately, they must.

I'm a cashier too, at PetSmart. And as busy as WE get on Saturdays, I know WalMart is ten million times worse.

Doesn't it seem crazy? It really seems to me like the warmer weather has been causing people to be bigger jerks than usual. They're horrible! My favorite is customers getting angry and yelling at me because I can't open the cash drawer to give them change for a $20 bill (associates don't have keys, only managers and leads). Or getting mad at me because the price of things has gone up.

I DEFINITELY understand about the lines, especially when we're understaffed. It's just like, really, do you HONESTLY think I LIKE making you wait in line?

I've been doing it for 9 months now and it seems like it's always getting worse. Wait til Christmas. Oh, Lord.

I know (i KNOW) it can be very very difficult at times, but just try your best to shake it off and just keep telling yourself that you know you're right, you know they're in the wrong, and you're a much better person for what you have to go through (at least I know I am, I hope I never treated cashiers bad in the past but you can bet I certainly don't now!)

And always look forward to your next day off. Next time it happens just be like "okay well I'm off in four days, only four more days, I can handle it" and just take it in chunks like that. That's how I get through it.

Reply:Urgh I feel your pain! I worked at my towns grocery store for 2 months last year (I HAD to quit lol).

It honestly shocked me how crazy people got. This one lady walked in from a Mercedes convertible carrying a Chanel purse and wearing lacoste, and then paid in FOOD STAMPS. I was like, wow, are you kidding me?

Then there are the crazy soccer moms that go ape-sh*t if you forget to scan their $0.12 coupons for juice. One of them was like "AS IF YOUR JOB IS THAT HARD?!" and stalked off. And the worst part is I was probably the friendliest/cheesiest chasier there so they should've been nicer lol.

My advice is don't try to work on the days where all the annoying, superficial people pile in. That's usually Thursday evening, Friday, and Saturday morning/afternoon for Walmart like places. Block out their complaints if theyre going overboard, just hum a song in your head, because they probably arent saying anything that should matter anyway.

Reply:The best advice is to not take it personal. I know it sounds hard to do since sometimes the "attacks" are pretty personal, especially if they name call or what not. I worked in customer service since I was 15 until a few years ago, and I learned to just smile at them and go about your business. Most of the rude people are rude to everyone and complain almost everytime they go into a store. You also have to remember how your demeanor is. If you are getting many rude customers, it could be your job performance or your bad attitude (sorry if I offend!). Check yourself first.

The more you take in comments personally, the more stressed out you will become, and burn out will happen. If this happens, you might blow up at a customer, say something rude, and then your job is on the line.
Reply:People are cruel eh? I feel for you! I have been there (in your position) and I have seen people do that to people in the service industry and other industries. I don't understand it either. I have learned to smile about it and not get angry.... That doesn't mean I don't start to feel my blood boil but I take a deep breath and let it slid off. I have also said, with a grin on my face, "You don't have to be rude, we're all having a long day". Usually they don't expect someone to catch them on their behaviour.

I also have been super chipper. I am an introvert to the core so this was very draining to me, but boy, it often makes a huge difference the way people react to you.

But.. some people are just cruel, rude and bitter. Don't let their negativity affect you. They are just wanting to pass on their feelings and emotions. When you start feeling angry, overwhelmed, and feeling like you need pity or recognition for your horrible day, take a deep breath and remember that you don't have to take on their emotions, and that not everyone is so negative - let yourself focus on the good, positive encounters.. Laughing with good customers also helps a lot!

Hope that helps and I am sending you good thoughts ;-)
Reply:I think you did wonderful by making it through the day there! I know how rude people can get - hang in there! Hopefully, those people will feel a little ashamed tonight (even just one would be nice) Remember when you are at a store, to deal with cashiers with some compassion. Keep your chin up and remind yourself they are the ones with problems, not you.

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