Sunday, February 5, 2012

My friends 17th birthday is today and i wanted to surprise her.?

i cant throw her a surpsrise party because its too late, but maybe i can line some candies at her door leading to the front of her house and surprise her by giving her flowers and a gift.

My friends 17th birthday is today and i wanted to surprise her.?
Whatever you do, don't through a Jawbreaker down her throat and try to kidnap her and take her out... I saw it in a movie and it ended really bad, for everyone...

The candles thing sounds nice...
Reply:Sounds good. Throw in some balloons and such to make it really nice. Maybe some confetti when she walks up and those popper things.

Stacy (using friends account)
Reply:if you are dating her that would be a good surprize but if you arent then that would seem like you are interested in her. maybe you should take her to a day out on the town. take her to a movie, lunch, then give her her gift which will be a shirt or something she likes like a tinkerbell watch or something. but you dont want to take her whole day away from her so you should do this the day after her birthday . good luck.
Reply:tell her you wont her %26amp; confess your on dieing love for her that will surprise her
Reply:Are you her lover? If not than you are doing to much. Take her to dinner somewhere where they acknowledge birthdays and have them sing to her or just bake her a cake. You guys are friends...she shouldn't expect so much from you and you shouldn't feel that you have to do so much for her.

I always went out of my way for friends but when it was my turn I would receive the smallest of things. It's not worth it to do so much.

Different strokes for different folks. Do whatever feels right.
Reply:Sounds like a great idea to me!
Reply:or buy her a nice gift that u no she will love
Reply:of course thats really nice



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