Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Regarding the Ex - Is there something I could do?

My ex and I broke up a few weeks.......he decided to end it officially things seemed to end on not so good terms...

i had asked him wether or not he wanted to see me at all even if it was just as friends and he said not right now i need to seperate myself..he said he doesnt want to lead me on in any way for me to think that there will be a future

I'd still like him to know I care and that even though he doesn't want the relationship i'd be very happy to have him in my life just as my sending a valentines day card or maybe a flower to out of line......

is there another gesture (not on valentines day) besides talking to him at the moment perhaps again a card or something just to let him know I care.....

im not trying to chase after him and get him back, we just have a certain history that I just feel I still want him in my life even just being friends would mean alot!

Regarding the Ex - Is there something I could do?
I think he already knows you care. Don't send him anything for Valentines, it'll make you seem desperate and to HIM it'll seem like your trying to get him back, even if you are not. You could tell him you still want to be friends and make it clear that you care about him but do not want the relationship either. He doesn't want to hang out with you if he thinks the whole time your trying to get him to go out with you again.
Reply:I think sending something on Valentine's Day will end up pushing him further away. You've stated your peace and let him know that you would like to remain friends. Give him time and see where things go ... he needs time to sort our his feelings for you and once he has hopefully a friendship is in your future ... Good Luck!
Reply:im sorta in the same situation. but i say just leave him alone for awhile or it will seem like your chasing after him even if your not. in a few weeks try to explain things to him saying that you want to be friends. see what he has to say after you leave him alone for awhile.
Reply:I would give him the space he needs to move on, it would be good for you too. Maybe later on you can go back to it and see if a friendship is on the cards, its a little to soon to send anything or hang out.
Reply:I wouldn't go for sending a valentines card as he will think you are trying to get him back. But to send him a blank card or letter, just explaining that you accept your relationship is over, but you would like to remain friends with him as you still care for him would be appropiate.
Reply:people like a challenge. you are not a challenge, you have been conquered.the only thing you can do at this point is act like you don't care, that's the only way he may become interested in you again. if you keep showing him that you will be there waiting for him to like you again you will look stupid and he may use you for whatever it is he can get from you (money, sex, etc.). don't be a victim. ignore him, better yet date other people, that will get his attention. by all means DO NOT get him anything for VD!
Reply:hey wow im going through the same thing right now my boyfriend ended it but i still wanted him in my life so i fought for him, i guess things are most likely different in your sitaution, but if you guys are just gonna be friends than yea totally let him have his space and dont send anything on v-day because it will just make you look really desperate and then he wont even wanna be your friend because he will think every time you guys hang out that you'll be wanting him more than just a friend. and that can be a problem when people are trying to be friends after a break up. Just dont send anything and in a couple weeks just text or call him and see how things are going. Dont push because that pushes them farther away.
Reply:I know what you mean! It hurts to lose the freindship you shared not just romantic stuff.I would stay away and make no contact for about a month then send a card saying I hope we can be freinds.Admit it your just feeling more down because of Valentines day hype.You will be ok.My boyfreind dumped me on Saturday so I know what your going through.Bummer.
Reply:I would suggest giving him a card that is just about friendship instead of love!!! GOOD LUCK!!!
Reply:Have a real conversation with him be like I dont want a future with you, I just want to stay friends i think that you are very nice so look If you really dont wasnt me in your life fine but i just wanted to let you know i dont expect or want a future with you
Reply:be very careful with this. When someone really wants space, u can push them away forever if you don't respect their wishes. I would suggest a simple card just letting him know you will be there as his friend whenever he feels he is ready...

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