Saturday, February 11, 2012

Centerpiece idea?

I've made little boxes before for Halloween and Christmas out cardboard boxes that I'd cut into squares and tape together then wrap them in fabric. Where I work we get a lot of boxes in that we usually throw away.

So I was thinking about doing that then wrapping a ribbon around them and adding a brooch to it. My maternal grandmother passed away last month and I inherited all of her brooches. There's about a hundred of them.

None of the brooches would match though, does it matter?

We were going to line them down the tables like this

Should we put candles in between them or not? We were wanting to get married during the day so they probably would never be lit. So would it be pointless?

We were thinking of either filling them with just flowers or wheat grass with a couple of flowers, sticking in. Like this

We're using fake flower

Centerpiece idea?
Fantastic idea, but I agree that some people may take the boxes (I have aunts that do this at every wedding with the centerpieces). You may want to either have cards printed up that gives a bit of history about the particular brooch (will also be a great way to get people to mingle while looking and reading about the brooches) or have someone mention in the speeches that the brooches are heirlooms so please don't take them - only more tactfully!

If you want tp keep the 'heirloom' feeling to the boxes, mabe put lace trimmed hankerchiefs in them that would hang over the edge of the box. You could fill some with flowers, some with potpourri, some with candy, etc. Depending on how big the boxes would be even some pretty potted floewring plants or ivy.

That sounds beautiful! A very nice way to have your grandmother "present" at your wedding.

And, NO, you do not have to give away your centerpieces. Actually, I have NEVER been to a wedding that this was done. I know many brides talk about that on this forum, but, again, I don't think it is common and it certainly is NOT necessary.

Lovely idea. I think you should go with it.
Reply:Usually they give the centerpieces away. If you are not prepared to part with your grandmothers brooches then I wouldn't suggest using them. The box idea is great, maybe you can find something else to use inside. A single rose bloom, or some type or crystal ornament?

Good luck!
Reply:you do not have to give them away. I have never been to a wedding where people gave them away. I love the idea of using your grandma's brooches. However, some people might take them anyways (people are weird like that!) so be forewarned. I love all of your ideas, though.
Reply:I think that would be absolutely gorgeous! No matter that they don't match, that's what would make it so good.

No candles, though, especially in the day time.

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