Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Need girls opinion?

Repost due to questions....

I am a 18 year old college sophmore and want to know why i have such hard times with relationships. I am an average looking guy with a medium build. 5-10 175lbs. I am on a full academic scholarship to sfasu, proving that i am very smart. I am goal oriented, already have mutual funds and bonds for my future. I have a great family life and my family is very welcoming of new women in my life. I make more money than most guys my age... 25,000 a year. run 4 businesses with my father. I love to spoil my girlfriends with surprises, such as massages, salon trips, the occasional flowers and things along the lines of that. I love to go out to eat movies, simple easy(fun) dates. I do not like the whole club scene or drinking to much at parties. I do not mind going out with friends to party, but i would rather be alone with my girlfriend. I am not the type of guy that takes ownership over a girl either.

I seem to have everything that a girl could be looking for.

Need girls opinion?
Yes you do! And if you were 30 years older, you would be ME! LOL

Hang in there sweetie! Trust me the right girl is out there, she is waiting and looking for you just as hard as you are looking for her! Relax and truthfully quit "looking" so hard. When you are at the point of giving up, she'll show up. Some how some way. Works that way every time. I wish you luck and good heartfelt love. Nana
Reply:Oh my god!! Are you for real?? Why can't they make more guys like you?! I don't know why you have girl troubles if you're all that you say you are...
Reply:You could start with the problem of seeing yourself as not being the problem. It sounds like you are perfect, if you arent tied down yet then there is something that you are not telling us. Your relationships have had to of ended with explantation, what did they say?
Reply:You seem like a great guy who has a lot going for him. It doesn't make sense why you'd have problems with girls. Maybe you don't have a lot of self-confidence, though it sounds like you do. Definitely continue being the good guy that you are and you will find a great girl who appreciates that. Confidence is definitely a major component to a girls attraction to a guy.... confidence, not arrogance or ********* though. Just be patient and it'll come to you.
Reply:Have you asked any of your ex's what happened? At least in their opinion. A lil insight from them may help you figure out whats really going on. Might be that you just haven't met the right kind of girl that can deal with your busy focused lifestyle. Some girls need alot of attention- which you may not have time for... You might try a lil more mature girl that has her own life and goals and things going on. Just a suggestion... Good Luck!
Reply:so what is the question? your asking if the girl will be contented with you? first, find the right girl for you, and then all what you have written here, do it to her, coz men are always good in promises, if there is a action, maybe he just fulfil only few things. good luck
Reply:not all girls are into the smart guy business type. yeah girls like to be spoiled and be alone but they just wann abreak loose sometimes. and if it comes down to it, try a dating site if you wanna.
Reply:It sounds to me like your the perfect guy. That is generally what most girls look for in a guy. Maybe your too perfect. Some girls see a guy that is just the perfect girl and they think wow this is too good to be true, and they get scared. i hope this has helped. GOOD LUCK
Reply:it seems to me you see no one else but the person you're with when you're in a relationship. you have to have a life of your own even when involved with someone. have your own hobby that's JUST yours...women don't like a man that's always in her face. if you're always there, how will she ever miss you? you know??
Reply:You haven't mentioned the kind of girls you've dated in the past. That could be the problem. Are you attracted to females who share similar interests, whether it's style of clothing, drive of success, wealth, looks, etc? If so, your standards may be set too high...or, too low, depending on what/who you look for in a relationship.

Also, the things you've DO sound like a great guy, but if I knew you, I wouldn't want to date you. Why?? There are plenty of girls out there who aren't focused on money, businesses, spoiling, etc. I'm sure many would call me a liar but, I swear, it's the God's honest truth in my case! Do you do all the things you say you do because deep down, you enjoy it? Or do you do it because you think that's what women want? Maybe instead of surprising them with something like a day at the spa, you could plan a day trip somewhere sweet or fun, pack a picnic lunch, and at the end of the day just tell her how much you enjoyed yourself. Relationships don't just equal brains, money and skills.

I guess what I'm getting at is, you're 18 years old. I'm 24, and haven't had a boyfriend, ever. You have plenty of time, trust me. It may seem like a relationship will never last (or come), but in the grand scheme of things, you're going to look back and think, why was I in such a hurry? I know you'll find her when everything falls into place, for you and your future woman. :) Good luck my dear!
Reply:It sounds like you treat women right but how are you with conversation. I love some I could talk to and someone who listens to me.
Reply:I don't know for sure. Are you still friends with a former girlfriend? Can you ask some of them? Something like, "I expect that we broke up because of something I didn't do right, but I'm only 18, and I don't know what I did that hurt our relationship. I know you don't really owe me anything any more, but I'd really like to stop doing whatever it is I did."

From what you've said, my guess is a lack of communication when you put her on the back burner for a few days. Did you talk with her about it ahead of time, or just leave her hanging?

Also, there's a strange effect that ends a lot of college romances: the end of infatuation. Typically, we start dating because of a variety of factors, some of which involve the excitement of learning about someone new, someone with interesting characteristics we haven't seen up close. After about 5-6 weeks, this "mint luster" wears off: the new stuff isn't so stimulating, and the long-term relationship sets in.

The problem here is that, if you're not aware of the effect, losing the infatuation aspect can make you feel like something critical has gone out of the relationship. What's actually happening is that you're getting to know the real person, and the superficial things, the early impressions unsubstantiated by the inner person, are no longer part of your images of each other.

Now, imagine that the two of you are about to hit that spot, or you've just hit it and you're trying to founder past it -- and that's when you put her on the back burner for a few days. What's going to happen? What can you do to keep it from ending the relationship?

Finally ... does any of this sound useful to you? If not, I trust you know how to use your "delete" key. Keep what rings true and write if you need follow-up help.
Reply:But do you have self-confidence? That might be key.
Reply:hey dude relax and don't ever act like nerd get drunk and get the girls drunk stay cool , talk to chicks and act the way they want u to . don't be afraid of consequences
Reply:well ill say from personal experience its not about what you have and what you can give the girl.its about how you treat her and what you do to make her feel special.take time and think girls know you have all these things so automatically they take advantage because they think thats all you can offer them in the future. without love and constant communication it wont work. as you said you would prefer being with your girlfriend than being with friends well sometimes its a good thing to give her the space so that she could know that you dont want her all to yourself and from that you could see if you guys are really into each other or if you have different interests.ive been with my boyfriend for 2 and a half years he has everything a car money but im still not happy and why is that because he wants to buy me gifts and he thinks everythings ok but i just want someone to listen to me treat me as a normal person.i dont need gifts to make me feel special i just need love and comfort when im down someone i can listen will get girls but they only want you coz they know what you have so if you meet a girl you should be able to tell if she is using you or if she is just looking for love.1 if a girl always accepts gifts and even encourages you to buy her more she is just there for the money.2 if you enjoy being with her and she is not there for the money she just loves hanging out with you and you guys enjoy each others company then she is not there for the moneypeople change things go wrong but always remember life goes on
Reply:I don't know what to tell you. You seem like a nice guy. Maybe you should just try to be more out going. I'm sure there's someone out there for you.
Reply:You sound wonderful! Give it some time, you need to wait for someone that can appreciate all that you have to offer!
Reply:well i don't know what to tell you...if your not lieing about your personality then i don't see why girls wouldn't like you. not all girls go for that preppy look seems too put together. Also the not partying thing...many girls around your age live for partying, and if you just like to stay in then they would like to go out instead. Don't worry that's just the way girls are but i guess when you get older things like that wont be so important and you will get lots of girls for having a good head on your shoulders. I hope this helps :)
Reply:Awwww! I wish I was older. You = a dream! lol! I feel bad for anyone who turns you down. I think you'll find someone that fits you well one day. And it might just be when you're least expecting it!
Reply:RELAX!!!!!!!! The right girl just hasn't met you, yet. She is out there. Don't look so hard, don't be desparate and along she will come! Until then, enjoy life!

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