Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Making incense?

I have always wondered hwo to make incense.

I have access to various herbs and flowers.

I was thinking making an incense along the lines of "Peppermint and Rosewater" incense.

But I do not know how to make it, if I can make it.

And how difficult it is.

Am I right in thinking that a simple skewer soaked in a herbal stock would pass as an incense stick when dried and burnt.

Any methods that have been tried and tested would be appreciated.

Making incense?
I actually posted a question about the same topic. I'm new to incense making. Here's what I've found so far; though it's not tested.

If you find any amazing recipes, please let me know! :)

-this is for a totally natural, herbal incense

this one is for the cheaters ;)

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