Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I need to find a poem =]?

My friend is in the hospital, and me and my friends are making origami flower boquet and bringing them to the hospital while she is getting her operation done, so when she wakes up she will see the flowers.

Anyway, I wanted to attach a nice little poem to the boquet, but I cant write poetry, haha.

Does anyone have any cute poems that they know about, or anyone that wants to write a poem? I will give full credit.

If you make your own poem, I kind of would like a line to be something like, "flowers may die and fade away, but friends will always stay."

Any ideas?

Thanks =]

I need to find a poem =]?
........pressed memories

the pettles are wilted

but it came from you

i,ll place it in a book

when its time is through

its just a flower

but it came from the heart

starving for love

oh we,ll never part

i,ll turn the page

to see it again

bringing back memories

of a time thats been

sports shoes

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