Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Spiritual Vivid Vision of my Perspective of Heaven...What do you think? or tell me of your heavenly vision?

Heaven is a very large planet, it's huge. Like Earth since it's from the same Creator. Beautiful sky line, mountains, gorgeous trees. There's no brown leaf, no shadows, and no death. Just light, everything is so bright in colors, even some new colors. There is a transparent in color "Gold." There's animals everywhere, pets, horses. Plants- flowers as you pass them by, they trun as if they can see you. Beautiful flowers everywhere, and the fragrances are beyoud this world. You can walk on the flowers, and feel them blow-move through your legs. You see there's no death, you can't kill them. The river of life, with many people drinking the water under the fruits trees lined up along the river. Theres a copper color fruit that gives you strenght to with stand God's glory. The music is another story in it's self. House's and the desires of your heart. abortion babies, in heaven they can walk and feed themselfs with very little help. Angels with many hair colors for the kids, like clowns.

My Spiritual Vivid Vision of my Perspective of Heaven...What do you think? or tell me of your heavenly vision?
...for some unknown reason, I have found your questions and comments concerning Heaven unsettling...not that I agree or's just making me realize that I have never really stepped into this realm of "vision" before...and that's what's unsettling to's not reading your descriptions of Heaven, but rather, it's that I have never been down this road before and have never really grasped a vision of Heaven...Bravo to you for firing up my desires to know more...too "see" more...

Reply:Hmmm...I see Doughnutz.
Reply:I wish I was so easily amused
Reply:So, what about "In my Father's house there are many mansions"? Do each of us get one of these heaven-planets to ourselves? Or, are there going to be big houses built around this paradise-planet you're seeing, sort of like a tropical beach resort?

Sounds lame to me.
Reply:I've heard all this before and yeah I agree. IDK about the clowns part though. lol It just seems funny. No pun intended.
Reply:Sweet Pea i love the way you think. That is wonderful, but the bible clearly gives you some what of a different prospective of what heaven would be like. If you read Revelation the whole book it will give you more insight. God Bless!
Reply:The eyes and face and all the rest of my sweetheart who is gone, that would be enough for me. If I could hug him forever, that would be enough. "Heaven" or no, would be nice if that could be...
Reply:I think that is very sweet.

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