Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I need girls opinions please?

I am a 18 year old college sophmore and want to know why i have such hard times with relationships. I am an average looking guy with a medium build. 5-10 175lbs. I am on a full academic scholarship to sfasu, proving that i am very smart. I am goal oriented, already have mutual funds and bonds for my future. I have a great family life and my family is very welcoming of new women in my life. I make more money than most guys my age... 25,000 a year. run 4 businesses with my father. I love to spoil my girlfriends with surprises, such as massages, salon trips, the occasional flowers and things along the lines of that. I love to go out to eat movies, simple easy(fun) dates. I do not like the whole club scene or drinking to much at parties. I do not mind going out with friends to party, but i would rather be alone with my girlfriend. I am not the type of guy that takes ownership over a girl either.

so my question is what is there not to like about me i seem to have everything going 4 me

I need girls opinions please?
College girls are a little more wild than what you're looking for right now. The girls in college are there for two reasons, education and experience. They're getting the education, but its the one time of their life where they feel free enough to get the experience. I'm not saying all college girls are sluts, but its a big time of our lives for us. At that age and time, we're not looking for the good guys. Hold onto it though, don't change who you are, you'll find her. It may not be for a couple of years, but you'll win out in the end. We all want a bad boy at one time, but in the end, we always want to end up with you sweathearts out there. ;)
Reply:There might not be anything wrong with you, you just might not have found the RIGHT one for you yet.
Reply:Wow. I honestly don't know. You sound like a really great guy. Just keep trying to put yourself in social situations, and I'm sure you'll find someone eventually. Love does take time...
Reply:maybe you just havent found the right one. since you say everythings goin good thats cool but dont be liek a showoff to girls you may come off as cocky. lol but eventuially you'll prally meet someone

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