Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I need girls opinions please?

I am a 18 year old college sophmore and want to know why i have such hard times with relationships. I am an average looking guy with a medium build. 5-10 175lbs. I am on a full academic scholarship to sfasu, proving that i am very smart. I am goal oriented, already have mutual funds and bonds for my future. I have a great family life and my family is very welcoming of new women in my life. I make more money than most guys my age... 25,000 a year. run 4 businesses with my father. I love to spoil my girlfriends with surprises, such as massages, salon trips, the occasional flowers and things along the lines of that. I love to go out to eat movies, simple easy(fun) dates. I do not like the whole club scene or drinking to much at parties. I do not mind going out with friends to party, but i would rather be alone with my girlfriend. I am not the type of guy that takes ownership over a girl either.

so my question is what is there not to like about me i seem to have everything going 4 me

I need girls opinions please?
Perhaps you're too good to be true! Most girls I know just want a down to earth fella who could be nasty when needed and sweet and romantic also upon occasion.

Maybe you come on too strong and crowd the girl's space. I don't know how your relationships turn out, but this is just my opinion from what you've explained. Basically, girls want a bad boy who also happens to have a heart of gold.
Reply:Well I don't know your personality, but too bad you were not A LOT older. :)
Reply:u seem like u have it all from the emotional part, do u have it when it comes to the physical part? not sayin ur ugly, but how do u dress,walk,eat,talk.... think about it, maybe it will help out. apperance is a lot-not everything-but a lot.
Reply:i don't see why you're having trouble at all! you're totally an ideal guy, i mean, if i was single and a bit older (i'm still 16) then i'd totally date you! but you just probably haven't found "the one" yet. you're prolly around 20/21, n u still have time. i do have to say tho, i kno some girls who r intimidated by "too perfect" guys. i'm not saying u r one, but maybe thats wat they think. and ur still young, you'll find the perfect girf soon enough. :]
Reply:you sound amazing. a girl would be stupid to not want you. just wait for the right girl. you will meet her. dont look too hard. she will come to you.
Reply:confidence and personality is key. It also depends on what type of girls you talk to. Be outgoing, and spend time talking to her. Spending time with a girl isn't everything. A girl has to know you are actually interested in her, and not just the idea of being with her.
Reply:you seem like a guy come true. any girl that rejects you must be CRAZY. don't fall for a girl less either. if a girl just wants you cuz of all this, thats not good enough.
Reply:Well, I hope you don't tell all that to every single girl you meet 'cause BIG TIP

never go on and on and on and on about yourself unless they specifically ask you to. Otherwise it's booooorrrrring. Ask about them. You didn't mention friendly or funny in there. But personally, I think all you need are a couple of good conversation starters and you're good.
Reply:you talk to much dude...............
Reply:you aren't meeting the right girls! any girl would be lucky to have you!
Reply:All of the qualities that you mentioned are things that don't even matter, to me personally. Do you have a good personality?
Reply:i have learned that once you stop thinking about it, they will come. In the meantime, make as many friends as you possibly can because the whole dating world is like a network. The more people you have in your network, the greater you opportunity will be of finding the right girl.
Reply:well, i'm not saying u dont have 1 but u may not being showin ENUF personality
Reply:the fact that you SAID that you have everything going for you seems just a liiiittle cocky... i mean yeah... you have the right to be... but i'm just saying. that could be a reason
Reply:you seem too good to be true.

i'm only 16 and may not have much experience on this but

even though you may sound good on paper, you might need to be more open about your interest and personality. Girls usually go for the guy their most comfortable with rather than the one with the most money. Just be open because those types of guys seem easier to talk to with girls and you probably do have a good personality just let more girls see you...the real you.

No offense because i really don't think you meant to or ever will brag about how successful you are. Although it may seem a nice things that you've accomplished so much but that's not the main thing a girl looks for a guy. Plus they don't always want to hear about you. Just be charming and funny. Make her laugh and feel comfortable because then she'll like talking to you. You also want to be prepared for the tough situations like when she needs you and all that stuff. Be there for her.

Remember don't change too much of yourself because if the girl doesn't like you for who you are then she's not worth it. I'm sure you'll find your "it" girl.

You don't have to rush either you still have plenty of time to find the "one" for you and don't waste too much time trying to look for her because she may just come to you.

Good luck

i hope it works out

Reply:maybe that is it. maybe you are arryogant. look it is college do great and succeed but have fun don't be so serious. look when your looking for someone they never come. when your not looking they show up. just relax. enjoy your great life and remember i am twenty and i am married but if i wasn't married hey hey hey. plus your in college and your only 18. most girls like the guy to be atleast 2-5 years older.
Reply:The fact that you're asking this question proves that you're pretty insecure. Confidence is definitely something women look for. Don't concentrate so hard on getting a girlfriend, just try and make friends. Chances are that sooner or later a girl that you meet will fall for you, and just be sure that you pick up on any hints that she drops. Until then enjoy college, being single isn't the end of the world.
Reply:You seem like a great guy but maybe girls are a little intimidated or think that you would want someone smarter, better looking, etc. You'll find your girl.

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