Friday, February 3, 2012

Could I get in trouble for painting My Side of a Privacy Fence?I did not buy/or put it up But it is on my side

of the property line.It has blocked the view of beautiful Mountians I use to be able to see..He didn,t put the fence up on the proper property line.He put portable garage

up and a homemade shed.I was away when he did this!I guess I could have taken Him to court but I didn,t(it,s been up about 5 yrs) thought i might paint sometype of scene-Flowers w/background-

I Do know How to Paint,I would be doing this so the View would be more eye appealing from myside %26amp; so it could Not be seen from his side of the fence.I,m sure He Will get upset!He is originally from this area!But moved to Florida where everyone has privacy fences.No One Here does this,Most plant hedges if anything.Anyone have an idea of what I should do?Would It offend you if You were my neighbor?By US Law CAN I DO This?In the US -Can I have Him Move the fence onto the properplace it being UP for 5 yrs?I didn,t want to be Mean/Rude when this first happened,I didn,t know 15 feet would make such a big deal.Anyone know law? US

Could I get in trouble for painting My Side of a Privacy Fence?I did not buy/or put it up But it is on my side
well, the bottom line is, if anything is on your property, it is lawfully owned by you, wether the neighbors like it or not. if the fence is completely on your property, it is yours, and if half of it, (to be painted) is on the neighbors side than you CAN paint your side, but not take it down.

It doesn't matter if the fence is on your property. If the man continues to use your property, IT MAY BECOME HIS because of adverse possession. Report It
Reply:I would think you need to talk to a lawyer in your area, as laws vary. 15 feet is a big deal. If you are talking about acres it may not seem like a lot but in an urban area it may be all that seperates 2 houses. And painting without permission could start trouble. Do it the correct way ! "Doing what is right is not always easy, but it is always right"
Reply:If it's the side of a structure, it isn't a fence. If you have a 'good neighbor' fence, you both own it, so you can paint it. If it is a fence completely on the neighbor's property, and not on the property line, then you can't paint it without permission.

Permanent structures typically require permits. Check with your local authority to see if permits were obtained.
Reply:I would first go visit and spell out your problem-suggest that you might help him move the sheds-if they are 15 foot onto your property he is breaking the law- 3-5 foot I'd probably let it be but 15 is alot. Also, (and I'm a mural painter-so don't think I don't get your idea) I wouldn't touch his buildings-it is not a fence-if you decide to put a fence,then,yes, you can paint on your side. Consider that or planted hedges or a vine on a big trellis. You could have a soft flowering view instead. My sister went thru the same thing in San Diego but it was on the neighbors property- Its very aggravating- your case is different if he's on yours, but I would stay clear of touching his sheds-that could be a sore point if there is a problem in the future. Just go ask- you'll get a feel for things and who knows- make a friend?
Reply:Not in IL. He should not have put it up in the first place but since he technaclly owns it, you may not paint it. You best bet is to have a survey done and if it is too close to your property you can have him take it down. You could also ask if he cares, if he does not care if you paint it then have at ti.
Reply:You need to go see a lawyer as soon as possible. If you can't afford one, try calling your local Legal Aid office.

First, you need to talk to an attorney about your rights because the land he fenced in may legally be his under the doctrine of Adverse Possession. This doctrine permits someone to take your property if certain conditions are met. I don't know which the laws in Florida, so I cannot tell you the length of time needed to trigger Adverse Possession.

Second, you will have to find out about where the property line is now (see above paragraph). You should not paint the structure without permission from your neighbor. However, painting the fence should be the last of your worries. You need to rectify the fence situation ASAP!

Please beware of some of the answers you are getting to this question. A few of them are flat out wrong and could end up costing you quite a bit of money. Please speak to an attorney as soon as possible and let your neighbor know you want him to move his fence. That could possibly toll the running of the time for Adverse Possession.

Good Luck!
Reply:it wouldn't offend me if i couldn't see it on your side, maybe you should ask your neighbor and explain it to him
Reply:Talk to neighbor, but also talk to city department. Possibly building would be a good place to start.
Reply:Don't stress it its basically your side of the fence even if they put it up you can do what ever you want to that side as long as it doesn't damage the integrity of the fence

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