Friday, February 3, 2012

Wedding ceremony idea?

My fiance last night came up with this great idea. Having the guest stand line up next to the aisle and toss flower petals, but we are wondering how we could have them do that. I was thinking maybe mentioning it in the program. Maybe have little baggies of rose petals next to the guest book that the could take? any ideas?

Wedding ceremony idea?
If you are using chairs you could have someone put a box or basket of petals on each "aisle seat" with a note saying what they're for. If you are in a church and are having pew bows, you could also tie a small basket onto the side of the pew, again with a note explaining it. Or just have the ushers hand them out to the "aisle seaters" once everyone is settled.

Good luck!
Reply:You would have either a bridesmaid/groomsman or someone in your family like a cousin/aunt/uncle be in charge of handing them out at the beginning while people are arriving and letting them know to line up after the ceremony and toss them as you exit. The person handing them out would also be the "ring leader" per se, in lining people up after the ceremony (keep a little basket with extra little bags too by the door). One last thing... you could wrap the petals in tulle and close it up with a ribbon that is the color of the wedding...
Reply:As great an idea as it sounds, First ask yourself if orchestrating this is going to make your wedding go smoothly or end up becoming clumsy, messy and dangerous.

Sometimes what we envision in our heads isn't exactly how it turns out.

Also, where do you plan on throwing them and getting permission to through them and approximately how much.

Having your wedding the way you want it is wonderful.. however, you also want to be gracious and respectful of the property you are using.

Always remember less is more in a wedding.

I don't mean to sound like the marketing associate for boring weddings, I just think that everything needs to be properly thought out.

Good Luck!
Reply:You could do that with a little card next to the pile of baggies saying please take one and why. If your using ushers you can have them hand them out or the groomsmen if they are serving as the ushers as well. You could also hole punch the corner of the program and tie the baggie to it. To tho that I would use smaller mesh bags like you can find at a craft store to make it look better.
Reply:I have seen this done many times - a lot of people like to use cones to hold the petals and have someone walk arround with a basket of them to hand out to people and then anounce that you are coming and everyone be ready to toss. Mentioning it in the program would be fine.
Reply:Have an usher at the door hand them out when people come in, and have them tell people what will happen. Then, recruit your immediate family members who will be seated in the front to start the tossing, then everyone else will know that it is time to follow suit. That will be fun!
Reply:usually the younger children who are not included int he bridal party are given the task of handing out the rose petals or rice. find an older cousin to help make them with the younger ones and pass out to the guests. they will feel so special to be included.
Reply:maybe have all the kids doing that if there were going to be loads of kids at the wedding. otherwise pick a selection of friends you would like to be in the wedding. you dont want it to look tacky and overdone
Reply:If you are having ushers seat your guests then have them hand them to the ones that are seated closest to the isle when they actually seat them and explain what they are for.
Reply:Have soeone greeating at the door and handing out the flower petals and saying they are to be tossed during the procession

motor scooter

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