Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Paintin a wall with stencils?

so i saw on some tv show recently i believe it was wall paper or a hand made mural but anyway i saw these walls that were a main color on the back followed by like the loutline or i guess you would call them flowers comeing up from the base board i loved it i have aa purple wall that i would like to put on turquoise flower shadows about three feet tall or so but i cant find a stencil on line to use i dont want old lady flowers but tall stemed modern flowers if u know what im saying but i wanna know where can i get a stencil like this or dose anyone else have an alternitive ideas

Paintin a wall with stencils?
If you have artistic ability you can make some, yourself. I would draw them out on airbrushing frisket or a thin piece of plastic, then cut them out w/an exacto knife or razor blade %26amp; you should be ready to go.
Reply:Arts and Crafts store. Michael's is a chain, at least in the Midwest, that has stencils but you could go to a store that is known for arts and crafts.
Reply:you could try Hobby Lobby....

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