Friday, February 3, 2012

Ok Whats your idea of a free country that sopports the right to bare arms?????

what would some of the guid lines be for a justified killing in self defence .Keep thouse in mind who dont live in the peaceful suberbs of Iawa.Lets say roane county Tennessee where the unsolved murder rate is higher than the population.Whats your take on that flower child?????????????????

Ok Whats your idea of a free country that sopports the right to bare arms?????
Well I think that guns are stupid and if we could wipe out all weapons from the face of the earth (and the machinery to create them) it would be a better place here.

Sadly, that's not the way it is. If we could stop the production of ammunition and guns and then take away the right to bear arms, I'd be down with that. It's ****** we can't carry around a joint but we can carry around a ******* gun if permitted.
Reply:i say any man deemed able, including all records like medical,criminal and such, and having went through a firearms class should be able to. the murder rates are generally the highest where guns are not prevalent. catch 22 i guess
Reply:in the "suberbs of Iawa/roane county" do they ever think about the fact that if there were not so many guns to begin with, there wouldn't be so many unsolved murder ?

In Canada we don't have the right to have a gun and we don't have so many murders. We have enough problems with knives.
Reply:I think the state of the country has changed a lot since needing a firearm has been necessary. The founding fathers idea of the second amendment was more relative to that time period than it is to today.

But that is my opinion, so disregard it, for I am neither right nor wrong.

*preparing for thumbs down!*
Reply:check out the laws in Vermont or Arizona...citizens in those states are free to carry,concealed in Vermont and open in Arizona. Two good examples....follow link to learn the laws in your state
Reply:Self defence, protecting your family, stopping violent crime.
Reply:The right to bear arms is the right to protect yourself in your domain against house evasion and persons attempting to do bodily harm within your structure of domain...Also to protect our rights for militias to overthrow a governmet that is not representing a constitution by the people...
Reply:I like wearing short sleeves, especially in the summer. I think Americans should have the right to bare arms.
Reply:Tank tops and muscle shirts rock!

(you know, "bare arms"?)
Reply:in my perfect state:

to own a gun you will need:

to be 12 with parental/guardian consent or 18

to be a legal citizen

not crazy

no violent criminal record that you served time for.


no MGs without special permit

no destructive weapons without special special permit (bombs, grenades, rpgs, the obvious stuff)

long guns 12, pistols 16 for non-concealable and 19 for the small ones.

open carry legal but needs a permit to certify you got your gun legally and you're not dangerous

you can buy anything you want, rifles at least 16", shotguns at least 17". smgs at least 10.5"

standard background check for buying a gun, no waiting period.

no aw ban laws, no laws against gun cosmetics

self defense rules:

if an individual enters your property illegally and you told him to leave and he fails to comply, legal to shoot

shooting in self defense would be legal if the attacker uses a weapon (besides his body) to attack and fails to stop at verbal command.

killing in self defense is legal if you cannot stop the attacker and exhausted other rational methods to get away.

killing in defense of others is okay if the attackers fails to stop at verbal warning and brandishes a deadly weapon with intent to cause bodily harm (a person with a gun aimed at someone, a knife to someone, a baseball bat ready to hit the nearest person)
Reply:If someone comes upon my person or enters my residence with the intent to commit a felonious act and I'm in mortal fear of my life and limb I have the right to kill him where he stands.

That's the law where I live. It is aided by a law which permits me to have my revolver displayed openly on my hip. I can't enter a saloon, church, bank, government building or school with it on. But, I can wear it anywhere else.

And I live smack dab in the middle of a metro area with nearly two million other people.

mens leather boots

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