Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I need help writing my paper! how can i develope my paper?

this is my paper

On an eerie autumn night a young girl walked along a stone path to a cemetery. She had visited the cemetery every Sunday for three years to see her parents and baby brother. Three Years ago they had came to pick her up from girl scouts when a drunk driver forgot to stop and hit them. They had died instantly. She knelt to her place between the three and placed new white daisies besides the previous one that had turned brown with decay. Every Sunday she got new flowers but every Sunday she hoped hey would last. While she was still young she had been confused and didn’t know the essence of death. But now with the power to bring back life the little girl, and the earth with her will now longer have to suffer the consequences of death. The power to bring back life can recreate extinction and knowledge, bringing back great leaders, philosophers, and artists therefore make the work a better place.

The power to bring back life can help revive great persons from the past. Virtues and Gandhi, for example, led an entire country into independence without violence. If Gandhi was brought back to life he can teach the current as to put down their guns and solve their situation peacefully with nonviolence. Another great man who can be brought back to life is Leonardo Da Vinci. He created and invented many of great things such as the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, the helicopter, and his study in human anatomy. This is a major way my power can bring peace and prosperity to Earth.

My super human power to bring back life can also bring back destroyed nature and endangered animals. Rainforests and forest can be fully made again. Now wood and deforestation will never be a problem once more. Inside these natural habitats animals such as white rhinos, Siberian tiger, and the sea otter that had become endangered can survive. These habitats and animals, which have been revived, can make our world colorful and full.

Not only can this great power bring back endangered habitats and animals but also extinct animals and people from millions of years ago. The animals can help historians learn about our past and upcoming future. Animals from different time periods such as dinosaurs and mammoths can tell us a lot about our origin and evolution. People from the past such as cavemen, Native American explorers, or even people from Jesus’ time can set history straight. By this new knowledge new brooks will have to be written and history can be exciting once more.

But the great power can also cause controversy with the diversity minded. Religious folks can question the ability as undertaking God’s power. If today’s cloning and stem cell research is question that bringing life from death is out of the line. Spiritualists who believe in the cycle of birth and death can also feel that my power is ruining the circle of life. Others would just be scared of power that is out of their control and disapprove.

My power of recreating life helped our world tremendously, with great leaders and inventors, lost knowledge, animals, nature, and our loved ones. With the superhuman power our earth grew into peace and prosperity. But people begin dependent on this power. They became reckless and wild. The population grew and controversies turned into war. The little girl though saw how every Sunday her daisies turned from white to brown to dust to food for other organisms. Even with my power, all good things must come to an end.

I need help writing my paper! how can i develope my paper?
Try splitting into paragraphs, slow the pace of the story down and be more descriptive. Try let the reader put themselves in a similar position

Good luck

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