Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I need girls opinions please?

I am a 18 year old college sophmore and want to know why i have such hard times with relationships. I am an average looking guy with a medium build. 5-10 175lbs. I am on a full academic scholarship to sfasu, proving that i am very smart. I am goal oriented, already have mutual funds and bonds for my future. I have a great family life and my family is very welcoming of new women in my life. I make more money than most guys my age... 25,000 a year. run 4 businesses with my father. I love to spoil my girlfriends with surprises, such as massages, salon trips, the occasional flowers and things along the lines of that. I love to go out to eat movies, simple easy(fun) dates. I do not like the whole club scene or drinking to much at parties. I do not mind going out with friends to party, but i would rather be alone with my girlfriend. I am not the type of guy that takes ownership over a girl either.

so my question is what is there not to like about me i seem to have everything going 4 me

I need girls opinions please?
awww you seem like the perfect guy! i dont know why girls dnt go for you? maybe they think you are "too perfect" which is very intimadting to us self conscious girls! but if i went to college with you id love to be your girlfriend!

From my point of view, I dont think that you are not likeable, sometimes woman get scared by a man who has everything going for him. I guess you could say intimidated. Maybe she doesnt feel she is good enough. Also, sometimes men come across as being stuck up like they are to good for woman. That is maybe not how you act but rather how you look. As I have gotten older, I am never intimidated by men, but that comes with maturity and age. One more thing you should think about is that you are in college..........what girl wants to settle down if she is having the time of her life???? Maybe you should expand your search for a good woman.

Reply:You sound perfect but you are too materlesed just because you have more money you can't win a girls heart so try being a normal person not a rich one
Reply:just wait for her. she'll show up. and when she does, you'll know it. 78% of college girls say they just want to have fun. show them you can be fun. maybe their afraid of commitment?
Reply:maybe youre looking in the wrong places.
Reply:Maybe u r 2 stuck up???

no offense.
Reply:just be patient. someone will come your way.
Reply:Nothings wrong with U!
Reply:You do have a lot going for you, no doubt. You mentioned some of the cool things about you, and it's important to be able to recognize them.

There is more to your story though, if you're having problems. Maybe the way your personality is right now has you seeking out girls that aren't very compatible with you. Maybe your confidence is apparent to them as something more unattractive like arrogance.

I'm not trying to tear you down, but you don't just have hard times for no reason. To say it's just them or just you is probably simplistic, but I'm sure there's more to the story. Describe those "hard times." That would shed more light on the topic.
Reply:I think you just need to relax about it. There's probably nothing wrong with you, so there's no point worrying about it. A lot fewer college students are in relationships than it can seem like when you're the single one. Things will happen in time - maybe you haven't met the right girl yet?
Reply:you cant win a grls heart with hearts and chocolates. maybe a rich spoiled bratt type. but most girls come from the heart inside u! u have to treat her niceley and tell her you love her. u cant just win everything with items. u win everything with true LOVE. good luck!

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