Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How do tell this guy I like him and stop obsessing?

There is this man that works in the a pharmacy in the same supermarket I work in. I've had an on-going crush on him for about five months. He comes into my store to eat every now and then. We see each other when we get off of work here and there but we never say much to each other. I'm to shy to tell him that I like him, and i'm really starting to obsess over the guy. I bought him flowers for valentines day a few months back but I was to afraid to ever tell him that I sent them to him. What should I do? He is very nice to me, and even bought me something in the check out line when I forgot my money in the car a few days ago. Maybe i'm just crazy.

How do tell this guy I like him and stop obsessing?
ohhhh girl slow down dont get your hopes up slow down you dont want to get hurt so try simple very simple things like a walk by the park or a soda at the nearest drive in something simple. and read his hints if he sends any. just as if he were a friend. because boyfriends do start off as friends so take it slow. and hopefully he likes you just like you like him. have fun with it.dont stress yorself out. theres plently of fish in the sea.
Reply:Casually ask him what he's doing after work one night. Suggest getting coffee or a movie. Keep it light and pressure. I think he will enjoy the company and make the first move.
Reply:Be sure he feels the same so you don't make a fool of yourself
Reply:no i don't think u r crazy just gather up all your courage and tell him wat ever is in your heart for him!~

best of luck!~
Reply:well don't obsess. that's the number one thing you need to know. Don't be shy, most guys dont like it when girls are shy only because you come off as not interested. buy him flowers again and give them to him; tell him you were too shy the first time on valentines day but you've finally worked up the courage. DONT HOLD BACK!! you'll forever regret it and always have those 'what if..'s and you don't want that. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE SO MAKE THE BEST OF IT

ENJOY YOUR LIFE AS IT COMES, don't be frightened by it
Reply:you will never know if you don't try. You need to get over your being shy. Get out there before this guy gets picked up by someone who has the guts to speak up.
Reply:Ask him out on a date.
Reply:you know nothing about him. you'll be upset with yourself if you find out he's a jerk.
Reply:Someone has to make a move. Why not you? It's a shame that guys are always expected to do this. Go ahead, take a deep breath, and ask him out to coffee or ice cream, or someplace really basic like that. He'll get the message, and you'll either be rejected (and want to crawl in a hole and die) or you'll have a date, and then you're on your way to wherever this relationship may go. Good Luck.

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