Friday, February 3, 2012

Evolution HA HA HA I like your sense of HUMOR evolutionists only?

The test of any theory is whether or not it provides answers to basic questions. Some well-meaning, but misguided, people think evolution is a reasonable theory to explain man’s questions about the universe. Evolution is not a good theory—it is just a pagan religion masquerading as science. The following questions were distributed to the 750-plus people who attended my debate at Winona State University in Winona, Minnesota, on January 9, 1993. (The videotaped debate is #6, $9.95.) Questions added since the debate remarked with an asterisk (*).

Where did the space for the universe come from?

Where did matter come from?

Where did the laws of the universe come from (gravity, inertia, etc.)?

How did matter get so perfectly organized?

Where did the energy come from to do all the organizing?

When, where, why, and how did life come from non-living matter?

When, where, why, and how did life learn to reproduce itself?

With what did the first cell capable of sexual reproduction reproduce?

Why would any plant or animal want to reproduce more of its kind since this would only make more mouths to feed and decrease the chances of survival? (Does the individual have a drive to surviv e, or the species? How do you explain this?)

How can mutations (recombining of the genetic code) create any new, improved varieties? (Recombining English letters will never produce Chinese books.)

Is it possible that similarities in design between different animals prove a common Creator instead of a common ancestor?

Natural selection only works with the genetic information available and tends only to keep a species stable. How would you explain the increasing complexity in the genetic code that must have occ urred if evolution were true?

When, where, why, and how did:

Single-celled plants become multi-celled? (Where are the two and three-celled intermediates?)

Single-celled animals evolve?

Fish change to amphibians?

Amphibians change to reptiles?

Reptiles change to birds? (The lungs, bones, eyes, reproductive organs, heart, method of locomotion, body covering, etc., are all very different!)

How did the intermediate forms live?

When, where, why, how, and from what did:

Whales evolve?

Sea horses evolve?

Bats evolve?

Eyes evolve?

Ears evolve?

Hair, skin, feathers, scales, nails, claws, etc., evolve?

Which evolved first (how, and how long; did it work without the others)?

The digestive system, the food to be digested, the appetite, the ability to find and eat the food, the digestive juices, or the body’s resistance to its own digestive juice (stomach, intestines, etc.)?

The drive to reproduce or the ability to reproduce?

The lungs, the mucus lining to protect them, the throat, or the perfect mixture of gases to be breathed into the lungs?

DNA or RNA to carry the DNA message to cell parts?

The termite or the flagella in its intestines that actually digest the cellulose?

The plants or the insects that live on and pollinate the plants?

The bones, ligaments, tendons, blood supply, or muscles to move the bones?

The nervous system, repair system, or hormone system?

The immune system or the need for it?

There are many thousands of examples of symbiosis that defy an evolutionary explanation. Why must we teach students that evolution is the only explanation for these relationships?

How would evolution explain mimicry? Did the plants and animals develop mimicry by chance, by their intelligent choice, or by design?

When, where, why, and how did man evolve feelings? Love, mercy, guilt, etc. would never evolve in the theory of evolution.

*How did photosynthesis evolve?

*How did thought evolve?

*How did flowering plants evolve, and from that?

*What kind of evolutionist are you? Why are you not one of the other eight or ten kinds?

What would you have said fifty years ago if I told you I had a living coelacanth in my aquarium?

*Is there one clear prediction of macroevolution that has proved true?

*What is so scientific about the idea of hydrogen as becoming human?

*Do you honestly believe that everything came from nothing?

After you have answered the preceding questions, please look carefully at your answers and thoughtfully consider the following questions.

Are you sure your answers are reasonable, right, and scientifically provable, or do you just believe that it may have happened the way you have answered? (Do these answers reflect your religion or your science?)

Do your answers show more or less faith than the person who says, "God must have designed it"?

Is it possible that an unseen Creator designed this universe? If God is excluded at the beginning of the discussion by your definition of science, how could it be shown that He did create the universe if He did?

Is it wise and fair to present the theory of evolution to students as fact?

What is the end result of a belief in evolution (lifestyle, society, attitude about others, eternal destiny, etc.)?

Do people accept evolution because of the following factors?

It is all they have been taught.

They like the freedom from God (no moral absolutes, etc.).

They are bound to support the theory for fear of losing their job or status or grade point average.

They are too proud to admit they are wrong.

Evolution is the only philosophy that can be used to justify their political agenda.

Should we continue to use outdated, disproved, questionable, or inconclusive evidences to support the theory of evolution because we don’t have a suitable substitute (Piltdown man, recapitulation, archaeopteryx, Lucy, Java man, Neanderthal man, horse evolution, vestigial organs, etc.)?

Evolution HA HA HA I like your sense of HUMOR evolutionists only?
You're doing a heckuva job Chuck - now everyone here is justifiably convinced that creationists are a pack of ignorant hillbillies. You appear to be unaware of the logical and scientific errors in your post. It’s easy to misrepresent something and then tear it to pieces; that’s a common technique in debate. But debate is a form of academic sport - there is a winner and a loser, - the truth is beside the point. Science has winners and losers too, but it's the truth that wins; debates prove nothing.

No matter what you say, even if you correct your more ridiculous assertions, evolution will remain a solidly-grounded scientific, overwhelmingly accepted theory that makes a firm foundation for all biological thought. That’s the position it occupies right now – debate with a pack of hillbillies won’t change a thing.

Evolution has been proven to those who know, it is discussed with those who understand, and it is advanced by those who can see farther but it will never be reduced a single notch by those who haven’t learned it at all. Until you read a bit more about the how and what of evolution, your comments are going to sound just a little too shrill.

I notice in your introductory statements you never actually defined evolution. I would wager (based on the rest of your question) that you can’t define evolution. So what exactly are we talking about here? What exactly are you trying to say? What exactly are you selling? I challenge you to define evolution in your own words.
Reply:Your physical prowess is much more impressive than your intellectual abilities, Chuck. Report It
Reply:If there was nothing in the true sense of the word, then by all means, there was nothing. Not even a creator. Where did the energy come from to create the creator?

Why couldnt a creator create a system so complex that evolution is a part. Both sides could be right.
Reply:And the earth is flat!

And the sun circles the earth!

Deja vu!
Reply:It's very simple

Evolution is taught as fact

I ask you

look at all the replys to your question

I'm a pure theoritacal math, I know just over 300 TM guys that just fall over and laugh at any thing to do with "evolution"

it's just SILLY


I will not cleen my house, then evo will make order out of the mess

if you wash a knife or foek, you might be holding up EVo

Oh I left a 5 Euro note on the table last night and it Evolved into 75 pounds Sterling

Hay this Evolution is as good and FACTUAL as the FRB

All the best to you Man, Please let me know if anyone answers your questions


Reply:I have an idea: if you're interested in answers, pick a question, then post it.

Also, don't cut 'n' paste from "Dr." Kent Hovind, known tax cheat and fake-diploma holder. Even other creationists try to distance themselves from him.

Another point: many of these question simply have nothing at all to do with evolution. If you can't understand that basic point, then you need to learn a little bit....
Reply:I guess I'm missing something....The last time I checked...there was indisputable proof of Evolution. Are you saying all of that is a lie meant to drag people to hell? Are you some religious fanatic? I mean, where do you stand on religion? You aren't being very forthcoming about how you "feel"! What is your game??
Reply:Like most who argue against evolution, you misunderstand so many of the basic concepts of the science of evolution, as well as build arguments on fallicies. For example you ask "Single-celled plants become multi-celled? (Where are the two and three-celled intermediates?) " Isnt a two celled plant multicellular by definition? If it has more than one cell isnt it multicellular? There is no intermediate then. So what are you looking for? Other arguments that can posed against your side are questions like "If God created the earth in seven days, then why don't we have strong tradition of the times before the dinosaurs were extinct and how horrific life must have been before God killed them and saved us?" Its easy enough to believe that God started the whole process off and let in run for millions and millions of years. Doesnt that make God all the more amazing that he could create such an elaborate and painstakingly complicated way for us to arise become his children? Doesn't the complexity of something like evolution only give us insight to how complex God must be to have devised it all? Dont make such a wide statement that all people who believe in evolution are following some pagan religion. Its just untrue...
Reply:It doesn't really matter what can be proven or not because people will believe what they want. Basically what it all comes down to is one simple question. Is there a creator? The only way we will ever know for sure is when we die. Some will be happy and some will be disappointed. I guess my point is that while we are alive the questions will never be answered fully and satisfactorily. We can wonder, we can debate and argue, we can test but we'll never know for sure.
Reply:I can write plenty on each of your questions, regardless of the fact that they're weaseled to ask for the answer you want.

I'll answer two here

What kind of evolutionist are you? Why are you not one of the other eight or ten kinds?

I am not an evolutionist. I am a person who has studied biological systems and can see the evidence of evolution.

Do you honestly believe that everything came from nothing?

I cannot say whether the universe was created or just happened. I can find no evidence to support or reject either hypothesis.
Reply:I don't believe everything came from nothing. I believe there is no beginning to the elements that make life. Something cannot come from nothing, so the only explanation, something always existed.
Reply:A lot of interesting questions there. One important point to make is that there are mutiple types of evolution. The most common form is macro-evolution which is the theory that one species is capable of changing into another. This, as of yet, is an unproven theory, thus why it is still called a theory. Micro-evolution, however, is an observable event that has been proven as fact. Species will change and adapt to surroundings to improve their ability to survive (i.e. the common tree moths that turned from light to dark after the light trees slowly became darker when covered with debris expelled from factories). However, they remain the same species. The moth does not become a bird or anything other than a moth.

It is always important to make a distinction between the various types of evolutionary theory (another type is cosmic-evolution). Remember, a theory cannot be proven until it is observable and repeatable (among other criteria). The changing of one species into another species (ex. fish to lizard, lizard to bird, etc.) has never even been observed.
Reply:Wow, apparently another creationist trying to ridicule what he/she does not understand. Before I answer your question allow me to tell you where I stand! I am a biologist, and a man of faith. As the former, I do go to church, I do believe there is a higher power, and I do believe he/she/it has some influence on our world and lives. But I do not believe in the literal interpretation of the bible (a document written by man, albeit by devine influence, supposedly thousands of years after the fact (Old Testament))! As a biologist, I understand that science is a realm of theory based on observation, evidence, experimentation, and reproducibility! When confronted with a question, to which I don't know the meaning, I would rather research and find a possible answer based on whatever evidence I can find rather than invoke the hand of god!

Darwin did exactly this when he cataloged the strange new animals he found on his journey through South America and the Galapagos. He noticed many similarities between animals on the mainland, and animals on the islands. It was because of these observations that he came up with the basic idea of evolution - AN IDEA WHICH HE KNEW would question his own faith - something that troubled him to the grave!

Those of us who have researched the idea behind evolution will admit, there are holes in the theory which need to be, and probably will never be filled (the fossil record for example). And while there is a mountain of evidence supporting the theory, those of us who are scientists do keep an open mind to the evidence that seems to contradict it!

Regrettably, those who are staunch supporters against evolution can only ridicule the idea, fabricate contrary evidence of their own, rely in faulty miss-interpretation of existing evidence, or as you have done - pose a list of questions many of which are currently unanswerable! Creation "scientists" have yet to come up with a scientifically valid answer to the basic questions Darwin and others have asked - when you do I am listening!
Reply:Are you realy asking a question or just posting your closed mind philosophy. If you are realy intersted in answers to some of your questions then email me.
Reply:Are you finished? The bible does not answer these questions either.

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