Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Black dots and lines in eye?

I have a black dot in my right eye. In my left one there is one too, bit it's not a dot, seems like many lines on top of each other. Not much noticeable. I have a problem with the right eye. The dot is small. It's not in front of my view. I always had this thing. Sometimes I don't notice it. I mean I can't see it for a few months, then it appears again. Maybe I just don't notice it or it disappears. My eyes don't hurt. I found that these things are normal. Many people said who have the same problem. I had problems with my eyes when I was about 10 years old. It was allergy because of the flowers or something, it was long ago. The doctor advised a special cream and it worked. My eyes then hurt. It has nothing to do with the dots. I've heard that they will go away (fade). If you know some thing that can remove it, i would really appreciate it. The doctor can't do anything. Thank you for taking time to answer my question.

Black dots and lines in eye?
It is possible that you are seeing floaters, cells in the vitreous of your eye, if it looks like you're looking through a microscope. I've seen my floaters off and on for years and years...sometimes not for months or even a couple of years at a time.

With your age of 17, I would doubt that it is macular degeneration.

You've had normal eye exams, so your symptoms point to floaters, but there is no way any of us can tell you exactly what is going on...only your eye doctor can do that.

My best advice is to just keep up with regular visits every year or so to your optometrist for monitoring of your eyes' health. IF you truly are seeing floaters, there is nothing that you can do to make them go away and there isn't anything that you can buy to remove them.

If you notice an increase in them, or sudden blurring or blacking out of your vision, this CAN signal a more serious problem that needs evaluation urgently. But if it is only floaters, that is a benign and sometimes bothersome problem, but it won't hurt your eyes.
Reply:sounds like vitreous floaters which there really isnt much treatment for them you just have to get used to them. Now if you experience a shower of them u need to get to a doctor asap-just continue to monitor them. i have them to and i work for an ophthalmologist i have gotten used to them and so will u
Reply:might be mascara Or eye liner.!

try taking it Out wit a q-tipp.!

or just an infectiOn gO tO a doctOrr.! or buyy sOme eye drOpsz.!

gOOd luckk.!

hOpe it gOes awayyy.

Reply:How is your visual acuity? Have you been tested for macular degeneration?
Reply:This is not the place to asking advice about your eyes and the problems you have with them. If you have a doctor then talk to the doctor. If you don't have a doctor now then find one. Your vision is important and accepting answers from people who just want to be goofy isn't the way to deal with your situation.

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