Friday, February 3, 2012

Anyone else not get anything for Valentine's Day?

I got nothing, not even a Happy V Day. Actually, I got a "V's day is pathetic!" from my husband after I told him how sweet it was when I saw all those men lined up in the candy and flower shop stores scrambling at the last minute to get their loved ones something.

Anyone else not get anything for Valentine's Day?
be happy you have someone to spend your life with
Reply:sad...but I got something from my mom!!
Reply:I got only deep breathing, because I stay far away from my beloved one. For me, if she thinks of me and I think of her, that is enough of today. Showing artificial and formal love giving card or gift because other does, please do not buy that idea. If he loves you really, it will be from his heart not saying "Happy Valentine Day". Some do not express it, but they feel it.
Reply:Hey.. I've been w/my boyfriend for about 2 years.. and I got nothing. I got a "Happy Valentine's Day".. but that was it.. Am I expecting too much here? A nice lunch... even if it was just a pb%26amp;j sandwich.. whatever, as long as we had it together... He had a busy day.. but when he had the nerve to tell me that for about 2 hrs he went home to "search for some tires" (he needs new tires for his car).. but it made me feel so insignficant... sure, it's just another day... but isn't it the day of love.. and everyone in the world celebrates it. I was pissed off.. i told him how i felt and now somehow he's pissed off at me.. he said he tried to make it special... yet i didn't see him the entire day, nor did I get any flowers at work.. or at home, nothing. geeze! Sorry for venting.. but we're wearng the same shoes here...
Reply:I didn't get anything from my husband either. Well, I did get a Happy V-Day with a kiss. That's it. Not even a card. It hurt. I wasn't expecting anything big, but a card would have been nice.......

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