Friday, January 27, 2012

Why do I keep getting emails from bogus addresses like these??

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Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 03:12:48 +0000


Subject: Dating site for naughty people tdrq

From: "Guadalupe Bland" %26lt;; Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert

Meet Singles

Best Singles in Your Area

Our system can help

No lame pickup lines... no flowers... no gifts...

we don't make you pay

adkins spurge blaze sse biz blare acme.

sprue greer adieu bite oodles we blimp rabid.

passe greet.

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I dont appreciate it!

Why do I keep getting emails from bogus addresses like these??
You get "spam" mail whenever you register onto almost any site, they ask you if you don't mind being referred to third party sites which takes your information and e-mail address (sometimes just your e-mail address) and bug the heck out of you with spam mail. Sometimes, these sites just give away your e-mail address without your permission, or without your knowledges (it might be somewhere in the terms %26amp; conditions).

These e-mails are very unappreciated, and a lot of the time, come with viruses. So, just click the delete button and the e-mails will be returned to where they belong! [:

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