Monday, January 30, 2012

A poem from the heart?

Sunny green meadows

with wild growing flowers

a lovers paradise

lanes lined with hedgrows

falls of delicate showers

for here we shall fantasize

carresing the moment

with gentle feelings of bliss

as warm soft breezes blow

the overwhelming content

of that first tender kiss

as rivers of emotion flow

the grass will whisper

while close to our ears

and carpet the earth were we lie

we induce our surrender

show our joy with tears

it is happiness makes us cry.

A poem from the heart?
OMG THIS is sooo great lol no seriously this is great!! II'm like soo into writing poems too!!

heres my e mail address so u can like send me more or we can chat or watever
Reply:That's really lovely!!!
Reply:R U Kidding?!

I can't believe I wasted my time reading that crap!
Reply:I think that is a very romantic visual love poem. Good Job!
Reply:I really liked it and think its really sweet and from the heart.

Ignore the philistines who wouldn't appreciate poetry if it hit them on the head. they're missing out on more than they know.
Reply:I really like poetry and in my opinion I think it is very good although I like when Meadows and flowers are mentioned it's as though it's what is in your thoughts or fantasies on a nice summers day, my favourite poem is daffodils by Wordsworth very good
Reply:Very good Patsy-keep 'em coming
Reply:Excuse me, is that the Poet Laureate that's posed the question? Very nice too!
Reply:Wow, not sure where you were to get inspired to write this but I think I need to go there and get some.
Reply:yes, defo
Reply:That's a beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing it.

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