Monday, January 30, 2012

Why can't Singapore be more like city of L.A?

What I like about LA.

1. Racial harmony.

2. Public transportation. Always on time , Metro is run by computers.

3. Genuine people. Very law abiding citizens.

4. Mirror smooth roads.

5. City planning, beautiful tree lined roads and flowers every where.

6. Smooth flowing traffic. People don't honk.

7. Overall cleanliness, no litters, grafittis etc.

8. 21 century architectures.

What I don't like

1. Weather

2. Beaches

What I like about Singapore

1.Weather, nice and humid.

2. Prices

3. mountains

What I don't like

1. Everywhere looks so dirty and the city looks so rundown

2. Public transportation is nightmare. Everybody drives.

3. Dust

4. Streets are not safe even in the broad daylight.

5. Shopping is limited.

6. City planning is horrible.

7. Places are too far from one another.

8. People look obese, lazy and scruffy.

Airport wise, LAX wins handsdown. Efficiency at its best. Americans who have been to both L.A and Singapore know what I am talking about.

Why can't Singapore be more like city of L.A?
You crack me up, man.

You pretty much hit it on the head, except for the racial harmony part. (I'm ignoring the OBVIOUS sarcasm, since I'm Obivousman). Racial relations aren't as bad as the news makes it out to be. Where I live, there's really none at all.
Reply:Singapore is very strict from what i have heard. If a single rule is broken the perpetrator is fined huge sums of money whereas in LA , its more freedom. in singapore people get hit with bamboo sticks for littering where as they law is more humane and civil. there is virtually no freeedom of sppech in singapore in whereas people could hold strikes in la and the government will try and help the people. i think the reason y singapore cant be more like la is cuz la is more culturally diverse, with chinatown, korea town , little india, little venice whereas in singapore its just singapore and a little bit of other culutres
Reply:Don't play smart with Angelenos dude.
Reply:I think you made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in New York...
Reply:I'm changing my name to Ironygirl and agreeing with you. Very cute. But anyway, I really like LA, despite too much traffic.

And it is multicultural, which makes for great food!
Reply:u have it backward, honey
Reply:I think you have your lists backwards b/c what you describe as not liking about Singapore sounds like LA a lot. Where the hell in LA were you were the roads are smooth, people don't honk, traffic moves smoothly, public transit is good, has good city planning with landscaped streets??
Reply:Is this is a joke?

Racial harmony in LA? You are either 6 or live under a rock. Genuine people? ROTFLMAO!!!!

And Ironically the 2 things you dont like are the only things LA has going for it.
Reply:You seemed to have mixed up LA and Singapore.

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