Thursday, January 26, 2012

What is the best way to?

what is the best line to let a girl know you like her. with out saying you like her. like a pick up line or giving her flowers but secretly giving them to her.

What is the best way to?
If she is a girl from work/school then leave her little secret notes attached to a single rose, scattered in different places that you know she will be (her desk, hood of car, door handle, on top of her lunch in fridge,etc) sooner or later, she'll figure out that it is you and love the fact that you spent so much time trying to win her over
Reply:Just tell her what you feel.
Reply:pick and play with them and hang out more than usual.. make remarks bout them ( good ones) give them that special look
Reply:tell her....if it's meant to be, it will be.......if not....dont beat around the bush.....theres no time for playing around
Reply:compliment her.
Reply:Tell her she'd make a perfect girlfriend.
Reply:Just say hi, if she can't say hi back and yall can't start up a good conversation, then she's probably just gonna be someone nice to look at, but that would be it.
Reply:talk to her with interest and if you want to be really romantic send her a single rose with a note asking her out, not creepy since you already made some contact
Reply:no games,just tell her
Reply:this sounds corny but hear goes i lost my telephone number can i have yours?
Reply:ypu cant't really do anything!!!
Reply:It depends because i have liked a lot of boys but i just coild not tell them but luckily i moved . But If you really like the girl talk to her. # 1 tip not to do is tell your friends . They might treaten to tell the girl and you don't want them to. And do not stalk her.

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