Monday, January 30, 2012

Tree recommendation?

I need some ideas. I live in TX, wanting to plant something that will reach maybe 15 foot or so in height. Something along the lines of a crepe myrtle, although I was hoping for something that would stay green year around and flowering.

Tree recommendation?
If you're in a warm part of Texas you might try a hibiscus.
Reply:Maybe a Vitex ( lavender tree) or a Texas Mountain laurel. Really depends on what part of Texas you live in. This is a great big state we live in with alot of different zones.

Check out their tree wizard
Reply:get a youkamula ttorany tree. its japanese
Reply:Although I cannot think of one at the top of my head, I would also suggest looking at the Horticulture magazine. It also has great tips on how to take care of them. Best of luck to ya =)

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