Monday, January 30, 2012

Hello, I have a interview tomorrow. Should i wear plan smart or girly smart?

Plan smart - grey trouser suit and plan black top

Girly smart - black trouser suit and a cream shirt black emboired flowers and a small ruffle button line

Hello, I have a interview tomorrow. Should i wear plan smart or girly smart?
Depends what the interview is for.

If you are applying for a job in a shop then your chav black trouser outfit.

If the interview is somehwere nice then the grey suit.

Reply:depends on the company that youre going for an interview with - its probably best to play it safe and go for the plain or how about a plain white top?
Reply:Girly Smart
Reply:plan smart babe, and dont forget your power walk and to keep your back straight

good luck
Reply:I like Plan Smart because its more conservative which is how you should dress for interviews.
Reply:girly coz it shows u have character but also sounds classy so go for that!!! if not convinced........go for what suits you bets or what ur comfy in. gd luck!
Reply:plan smart

Good Luck on your interview
Reply:wear what you will feel most comfortable in. As long you make the effort to look formal and smart, noone can criticise you. But if you feel uncomfortable, this will come across in your interview
Reply:i would suggest you wear skirt with sheer tights or stockings for a more proffessional look. What job is it for?
Reply:Plain smart - it's more professional
Reply:For any interview you should always be smart and not over the top, so plain is a better, but remember to add a touch of your own style too otherwise you will be uncomfortable and fidgit your way through the interview. Wearing clothes that have no aspect of your personality in shows, I interview people for a living and I can always spot the people who feel like they have raided someone elses wardrobe for the day! Wear a really smart suit but just add one or two accesories that make you feel like you and you will feel better about yourself and your confidence will come through in the interview.

Good Luck xx

depends what the job is for, I interview on a regular basis for admin and clerical posts and prefer candidates to look smart but with a bit of individuality.

A grey or black trouser suit with a trendy well fitted blouse or top showing underneath - dont fasten the button on the jacket and polish your shoes!

remember to smile and good luck.
Reply:Girly smart. Plan smart would work if you wore a white or pastel blouse. Black is too severe.
Reply:Depends what the job is and who's interviewing you. Best stick with something you can spell.
Reply:plain..after you get the job you can incorporate some more of your personal style
Reply:Just smart.
Reply:plan smart

they may confuse girly smart for linmature and young and unexpeirenced
Reply:It really does depend on the company/field that you are in. For example, if you are in a creative/graphics/marketing field - girly would be fun but if you are in a more business/financial field - go with plain smart. Dress up plain smart with fun jewelry though to let your personality shine through. Don't be boring, don't be over-the-top. Professsional with personality.
Reply:I supposed it depends on what job you are being interviewed for- that might give you an idea of what to wear.

Also you need to be completely confident in what you are wearing as you don't want to be worrying how you look at an interview - you need to spend all your energies on answering the questions.

I think both sound lovely but the girly one sounds more feminine

Good luck at ayou interview.
Reply:Plan smart - grey trouser suit and plan black top,..........
Reply:Girly Smart, definitely. Everyone else will look the same.
Reply:Whichever looks most professional. You want to be taken as seriously as possible.

I would stick with plain. You want the attention to be on you, not your outfit.
Reply:I'd go with plain - you want the interviewer to be focussing on you and your answers, not your outfit.
Reply:girly smart

sounds so pretty and sophisticated!!
Reply:Definetely go girly!
Reply:Plan smart. It'll make you seem serious about the posistion.
Reply:plan smart, its seems more smart and serious. Dress for the part, what kinda interview is it? whats the job?
Reply:Girly smart - sounds like it will look nicer
Reply:Wear the girl-y smart. It's brighter and sounds more fun. Hopefully your employer doesn't like boring people! Good luck!
Reply:Hows about being yourself?
Reply:How old are you if it was me girly smart always looks better .x

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