Monday, January 30, 2012

Mothers maiden name on birth certificate?

Ok.. here is the deal.. I am removing my middle name on the portion where it says "mothers maiden name" from my sons birth certficate because they have it wrong and they wont replace it with the right one. My son's social security records have the right middle name on his records where they ask for mothers maiden name.

His birth certificate will read:

Mothers Maiden Name: Daisy Garden

On his social security records, they have my right middle name on mothers information or maiden name

"Daisy Flower Garden."

Will he have a problem down the line? I called social security and they said it would be ok since they have the correct information for his mothers information.

I just need some reassurance. I know it may seem so silly.... :(

Mothers maiden name on birth certificate?
Your maiden name is Garden. It makes absolutely no difference if one place has your middle name and the other does not. Both are the same maiden name -- Garden.

You are creating a problem where none exists. I bet there are a lot of people whose birth certificate and social security file have mother's maiden name with middle name on one and without on the other.
Reply:Well, if you were told it would be fine by people who know what they are talking about, then it will be fine.
Reply:you need a lawyer to do that

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