Monday, January 30, 2012

Why dont my husband do sweet, simple things?

Me and my husband have a great relationship, we tell each other everything..we have 2 wonderful kids together. were 18 and hes 21. But why doesnt he do the simple sweet things? Like give me flowers....tell me sweet things....leave me swwet know stuff along that line? I really wish he would, it means alot to me, i have asked him and he just blows it off and stuff......any answers for me?

Why dont my husband do sweet, simple things?
Everybody has different personality. He might be someone who don't favor to do such things. As long as he loves you, care for you, I think it doesn't matter if he didn't give you flowers or such sweet things.

You guys are married and have children already, you should have known him well and can accept his personality. Don't too force him to do something he don't like.

He might be doing something sweet in other ways. Everyone has their own uniqueness.
Reply:He has a penis.

No seriously now. Anyway, guys really don't tend to think of these sorta things after awhile. They won you over already, why keep goin? They think that if they are still around and providing for you that it should be obvious that they love you.
Reply:He must be related to my husband somehow cause' he's the same way. He probably won't start either. I've been married almost 6 years now and have tried everything...still nothing. So for now just keep praying it will happen...treat him with respect and show him you love him. Keep hoping for the best. Chances are, he won't change but if he does, good for you. Good luck.
Reply:Chances are if he didn't do these things before then he probably won't start now. But don't be discouraged because men do change but sometimes it takes them a while or maybe a hint or two or three! LOL. Anyway maybe you should try the role you want him to play. Buy him some flowers or give him a card leave him a note. If he doesn't reciprocate then I don't know.
Reply:Well, if he wasn't like that when you first married him there is a slim chance he will after you marry him.
Reply:Because he has you that's why. If you were to leave him, believe me all the sweet stuff would start all over again. Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you to leave him, but I went through the same thing with my 1st husband, and everytime we split up I got flowers, gifts, etc.. but it wouldn't last.

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