Thursday, January 12, 2012

Should I get my ex gf flowers for her bday??

I still care a lot for her and her bday is coming up and was wondering if I should just keep it simple by giving her flowers and writing a little note, something along the lines of "hope you have a wonderful 18th" she LOVES flowers and I still feel strongly for her..I still have a piece of me that wants her back..I know I'm not obligated to get her anything but she keeps reminding me and she would be butt hurt if I didn't..thanks in advance for your suggestions..

Should I get my ex gf flowers for her bday??
My ex-wife got nothing but a card from me even though her birthday was only a couple of weeks after she left me and I was still in love with her.

She won't be getting a thing from me this year.

Next time she reminds you about her birthday try reminding her that you are not her bf anymore.
Reply:Well if you have a GF right now then dont but if you dont have a GF right now then maybe you should.
Reply:Don't listen to those first two girls. Since she has reminded you that her birthday is coming, obviously she wants you back. Get her the flowers, and in the note, tell her you would be happy to stop by and give her the real present she wants from you, wink wink.
Reply:No! your relationship is over! If you give her flowers sher will think your annoying and desperate! Im sorry to say when its over it is OVER!
Reply:Sounds to me like you still love her....and maybe she feels the same way....I mean she is reminding you about her Birthday...maybe a "ex" now , but who two might be married with kids one day. So YES! buy her some flowers that she loves and a nice card. Good Luck!
Reply:No, no, a thousand times, NO! Do you know what trouble you will get in there? If she is not there, she is not there. If you want her to be there, have her be there, then it is OK, otherwise, NOT.........Don't continue to be whooped. You got away from this manipulating woman, and now you want more. How dumb do you want to be? Like that post?
Reply:That and make sure you bring condums just in case
Reply:No, she is your ex. Let go and move on.
Reply:Only if you are hoping to get back with her!
Reply:you could send flowers with one of those little cards...nothing like roses, just some simple flowers like daisies. just a little card to say " happy birthday" and your name. nothing more, nothing less....
Reply:its a good idea not to write to much on the card do u think it could work betwwen u to again if so talk to her before its to late if not dont be getting you self hurt again,distance your self from her but still talk just not as much as u used to untill u are over her because she might already think u are
Reply:no leave it alone.! would you want your girlfriend/wife sending stuff to her ex? i think not!
Reply:This was marriage and divorce not gf/bf grow up.

Was it a clean break up? Nobody cheated or screamed or anything...

Does she have a new bf? That could cause problems... You stil like her dont make her miserable

Are yall still friends?

If you had a clean break, she's boyfriendless and are still friends.... go for it. Dont buy her roses. Buy Wildflowers or a seasonal medly. And don't spend over 20 bucks, friends dont spend more than that on flowers.
Reply:IF you still have feelings for her, and IF you feel that it may be a temporary break-up, go ahead and get her flowers. She may have just needed some time on her own to reassess her priorities. IF she is still feeling strongly for you, it is likely she will melt if you get her some flowers. Obviously she wants something or she wouldn't keep hinting.

Be classy about it. Nobody wants a creepy, stalker ex. I would avoid roses, especially red ones. Your message sounds good. Avoid any "I love you" or "I miss you". Keep it straightforward, as a birthday wish. I would suggest wildflowers, or gerbera daisies in her favorite color. It shows you still care without implying anything.
Reply:yes that will be so nice

cause if I got flowers for my ex then I will say thank you and mabey get back with her

although if you have a girlfriend right now dont unless you are risky
Reply:When we are young , boyfriend and girlfriend relationships go on and off, it is the usual with our hormones taking a different form each and everyday! If you still have feelings for her, than go ahead and make her day! Send her some flowers and a card and I'm sure she'll be happy! Who knows maybe you just might get back together =]. Good Luck, hope this helped!
Reply:I would say go for it. Based on your question, it seems like you too still talk and care for one another. Make them like pink or white roses, to simbolize friendship, and see where that might take you.
Reply:id get her a card with a sweet note or something

nothing too drastic

u dont wanna freak her out
Reply:Hon, you need to let her go. It sounds like you guys ended for some reason and she still wants gifts from you (she is hinting at it atleast). Giving her a gift like flowers say "I still care for you" and if you are no longer dating, why would you lead her on like that? If she wants you back and wants gifts from you, then she needs to come crawling back to you. Don't let her control you. Find a good woman and be faithful to her- let this one go.
Reply:No. Over is over. Dont keep continuing it.
Reply:why spend the $ if she's not your g/f anymore?
Reply:I feel like flowers would be going too far for an ex. It might make her feel uncomfortable, especially if she's aware you still have feelings for her and want her back. I would opt for just a card or the note without the flowers.
Reply:its hard to tell on your situation considering we dont know how cool yall are, bad break up, etc etc. Yes girls do like flowers, and that's a good idea. Just dont get caught up with it... as far giving her something and expecting her to "want" you back. Im not saying that's your intention but you have a piece of you that wants her still... so dont lead yourself on. Dont buy her anything expensive Id also note.
Reply:if you want her back then send her flowers with a note tellin her how you feel if not the no. you can tell her happy birthday or send her a simple card but dont lead her on. good luck deciding.
Reply:So long as she doesn't have a current bf who would be upset by this if you can afford it flowers are always nice.

Actually it sounds like she is still interested in you, don't encourage false hopes, but flowers and the type note you describe should be good..
Reply:well if you two are still good friends then that will be a nice gift .
Reply:You can do whatever you want....just be careful that you aren't leading her on....or yourself....
Reply:I think you should, especially since she's hinting about it. If nothing else you'll show that you still value her friendship and care about her as a person.
Reply:Sounds like she wants to have her cake and eat it too.
Reply:if shes single still it couldnt hurt but if she has another time to move on

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