Thursday, January 12, 2012

How can I get my neighbor to move shrubs off of the property line?

she is a horriable screw of a woman she stands out there and makes little remarks about me and my family we are white and she doesn't like white people I know this because she only get along with the black couple that live on this street which we do to and they have told me she doesn't like white people and the fact that I don't work and my husband does makes it even worst.I had made a rock garden with some flowers and such and well rocks and a couple of kneeling angels and a fountain as a memorial for a baby we lost this year and she was talking about it yesterday and said it looked stupid this draws the line with me.She has some shrubs that are one my line how do I make her get them off.

How can I get my neighbor to move shrubs off of the property line?
Both of the answers above are very good answers. But we both know what you want. You want her nice green plants to die and blow away with the wind. So here is what you do....

Buy a small bottle of Roundup. Pour 1/2 cup into a seal-able container then toss the rest. (No evidence) Take the Roundup in the container and when you know she is not there pour just one drop on each plant. You don't want to kill them right off or there will be hell to pay. Just one drop per plant every 2-3 days. Don't get sloppy and get caught or tell anyone. Remember the less your family knows the better.

Watch and be nice when slowly the plants turn a pale yellow followed by a bright yellow as to say... Aaaaaaa I am dying.

Can you do it? Or do you need to hire a complete stranger?

Good luck and remember tell no one.
Reply:This sounds more like a community relations question than a gardening question.

If the shrubs are planted on her side of the line, she is obliged to prune them back if they encroach on your property, but not to move them.

"Good fences make good neighbors" -- you would probably be better to make some barrier between you and the neighbor, rather than worry about her shrubs.
Reply:I would be super nice to her and help her in anyway, even though she may not like you it will be hard for her to be mean to you when you are to nice.You might gain a wonderful neighbor in the long run.
Reply:Why escalate things? Rise above her level. Don't stoop down to it.
Reply:Well, lets move the racial element aside, black, white, or green - same questions get the same anwers. SO.. with that said..

You have two issues..

a) Dealing with your neighbor so that you can avoid her cutting remarks and so that you minimize the provocation that cause them; and

b) How to deal with encroaching vegetation.

Ok.. I have been dealing with issues like this for a few decades and been to court as a expert witness enough to tell you that this is a battle that will get worse until you deal in a solid manner.

Her racial preference is regretable but unchangeable so you need to deal with it. My suggestion is staged as follows:

1) Get a survey.. or somehow determine EXACTLY where your property line is. Don't guess, KNOW it.

2) Construct a legal (and tall) fence about 3" INSIDE of your property - that way you own BOTH sides of the fence (if you build it ON the property line it becomes half hers - another problem waiting to happen).

3) Send her a registered letter telling her what you have done and informing her that:

a) it is YOUR fence completely on your property and it is not the property line (no need to give her a copy of the survey unless you want to). This way you have recourse if she paints it or hangs something on it or builds on to it.

b) You are not giving up the rights to any portion of your property which may be on her side of the fence.

4) In the course of construction, you are likely entitled to trim any of the plants that are on your side of the line so long as you do not kill or harm the remainder of the plant that is on her side (this is California law.. you need to check it for whatever state you reside in).

With the fence up, you can enjoy your memorial in peace and will minimize the future interactions from your neighbor.

(sorry about your child... hope this helps a bit).
Reply:If the shrubs screen you away from the bigot then the better.

However, if you really want to get rid of the shrubs then usually cities have zoning laws which prevent any planting on property lines. Usually, you have to plant a hedge or erect a fence several feet away from a property line and inside your property. Call your city and ask about zoning. If it's on your property line you may have the right to chop. Just make sure it's really on your property line before you chop.

I can sympathize. Bigots are awful to live near and it's always a shock when your friend of a different color turns on you and says the most hateful and racist things.

You can always write "MKL, Jr. hater" in grass seed on her lawn and wait. Works better than fertilizer. Use big broad letters. She'd have to dig it out in blocks.
Reply:This is a touchy situation and I shouldn't even get involved with it, however, this is a question on ethic. She has shown that she is racist towards white people and you should defuse the situation as soon as possible. leave it alone, don't talk to her and forget about the problem. The shrubs is not that a big deal. You are upset about her comment and she is winning the argument. If you stoop to her level, you will become no better than her, and you should want to be better than a racist. Just let it go and live your own life the way it makes you happy. If for some reason you cant and what to take it to another level, get some 2-4-D, which is a grass, weed, tree killer liquid and pour it on the base of the shrubs. In 3-6 days, they will be dead. If you do this, understand that you will be opening yourself up for her next move, and I don't recommend this move.I would just let it go and forget about it.

Teeth Whitening

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