Sunday, January 15, 2012

The lady of my eye's husband just died. When can I move in on her property? What flowers should I bring?

Can you give me some lines? I wanna be real smooth.

The lady of my eye's husband just died. When can I move in on her property? What flowers should I bring?
Come over when you are drunk as hell, that'll loosen you up. Then say what ever comes to your head, it'll feel natural and she'll respect your honesty. Then push your way into the house if she doesn't invite you in and lock the door behind you. Then unplug the phone and break her cell phone. This will let her know you want to spend time together with no distractions. She'll love the intimacy. A girl likes a guy who is assertive, so she start kissing her. You'll know if she doesn't want it if she is fighting you off for more that 20 minutes. Then apologise and offer her a little money. If she still says no, then tell her you'll call her later. Women also are happy when you call and just breath on the phone. Remember, part of being a proper gentleman is spending time with the ladies.
Reply:Move in now, while she is still vunerable...... go to the funeral ... use a line like "Hey, he looks kind of stiff in that casket.... speaking of stiff, I got something I wanna show you." She sure is lucky to have an admirer like you to help her through this.
Reply:are you serious????
Reply:Is the Poor Man Cold Yet?! Have a Heart Guy. Wait a few months before doing that. I think she'd respect you more and you would'nt appear cold and callous.
Reply:Give her a year to grief, and yourself a year to get over yourself. No wait do it now bring her roses, diamond.s...she will be in such grief nothing will matter, and you will get what you deserve. What was I thinking:-)
Reply:WOW.dude you are something ....something that comes out of

dogs a-s ...not the lady of your eye's mean ..the property of your eye's..
Reply:Hey hey slow down, wait a minute, stand on the ball for a sec!! It will probably have to take some time for her to get back to normal after this, she's crushed right now.. You should definitely go ahead and bring some flowers, but hold on a little with moving in on her property man.. Show some respect for her feelings and for her deceased husband...
Reply:Send her the belladonna flower, so she can see what you are really all about.
Reply:Geeze, I thought it was just real estate and investment folks who read the obits for personal gain. Just be a gentleman and a friend. If you can't do that STAY AWAY! It will take a long time for her to be ready to get involved with anyone again. If she ever does, it will be very painful for her. You're too shallow to deal with it. Let someone else deal with her grief and survivor guilt and memories of a life shared with someone who wasn't you.

If her husband was at least 70 years older than her, you may have a shot as long as you are fabulously wealthy.
Reply:Wake up to yourself idiot
Reply:You people that answered, you understood this gibberish?
Reply:you mean crass, don't you.
Reply:You have serious issues.
Reply:This is very tacky and lacks good taste and etiquette.
Reply:ask if you can masturbate the pallbearers on the way to the grave.
Reply:You are sick! NO NO NO BAD MAN! She will not want you beacuse you are truely selfish and twisted! You should go jump off a building . Please!
Reply:I know this is a g-up. You can't fool me
Reply:I say go for it. The husband isnt coming back, forget flowers bring some booze. She'll be easier to sweetalk with some drinks in her, and if the husband does come back that means hes a zombie so thats a whole new can of worms to deal with
Reply:Lucky Beggar...Mr Daley... Softly Softly catch the monkey... Make sure you get shot of any relatives or busy bodies... Be careful not to over do the dramatics..And never get annoyed or show you are a bit pissed off..No flowers...because it will just make her weep and confused.. Leave notes/business cards with your name and phone number next to the telephones - on her fridge - table etc...and try and get a photo of the 2 of you - at hand..Make her think of you... ! get her over her dearly departed.. Good Luck..

Reply:Have u chked if she has the property? U know it may have been willed to their siblings, she may own a cent only in the end.

As for the flowers it might cost u something so better don't give
Reply:you can never move in on her property, my god how crass can anyone be.

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