Thursday, January 26, 2012

Has anyone had luck with Flower Essence for cats?

I just read the question from Kellyanna, "Has anyone had a rescue a cat with behavioral problems?" This is exactly what my 7 month kitten that I adopted is. I have had her for 7 weeks now and she still won't let me touch her.

The response from Old Cat Lady in regard to Flower Essence for animals by Dr. Jean Hovfe intrigues me. Has anyone used this flower tinture for behavioral fears and does it work?

Is there anything else that may work in that line?

Has anyone had luck with Flower Essence for cats?
Rescue Remedy by Bach. They have a whole line of flower based products that really work well %26amp; are used by many professionals.Can use p.r.n.. Available at most health food stores, or go on line to find a source near you. Dr.'s Foster %26amp; sells it %26amp; is also a great resource for Q %26amp; A on so many things, and it's free.

Anyway I used it before my one cat had to have meds which absolutely freaked him out- a rescue boy who thought I was trying to kill him by putting that pink antibiotic in his mouth! .A few drops rubbed into each ear for or proir to stressors such as car rides, etc.

I use it myself to take that wicked edge off of PMS symptoms, the school where I worked- we had an all female staff %26amp; pretty soon everyone used it, especially as we all ended up cyclyng the same schedule as will happen, lol.

Also give your rescue baby time, the last litter I rescued was so hand shy that I just went with it and never tried to touch them. After a bit they saw that my hands were only used to provide them with full food and water dishes, and it was also a huge help that they got to observe my other kitty coming to me %26amp; enjoying the attention. It's all about the trust, and they just need time to sneak up on your still hands at your side as you sit on the floor %26amp; pretend not to notice as you watch TV. Depending on the level of abuse, she should eventually investigate, then sniff your hand, then touch it or rub agianst it. Let this happen a few times before staying still %26amp; crooking a finger to scratch behind an ear, etc.

You might also call animal rescue groups in your area, or boarding places that specialize in cats %26amp; ask for suggestions.

Even a book or video from the library. Never forcing yourself on her is so crucial, just do some research too so that you increase your chances during tihs crucial period for socialization. Takes a lot of patience, as you know, but so worth it.

If she likes to be spoken to, reassure her as you would a small child re. her being safe now %26amp; loved, etc. Also soft classical music in the background relaxes kitty brainwaves just as it does for people and is good for plants (as the recent studies have been documenting). You sound like a great kitty Mommy, I see good days ahead for you two =)

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