Sunday, January 15, 2012

The "butterfly effect"- is EVERYTHING really so interconnected?

I'm reading a Madeleine L'Engle book. There is a lot of theology and philosophy in her writing, and one recurring theme is that every action, however minute, has consequences that may be enormous. Like the old example of the flutter of a butterfly's wings causing a hurricane on the other side of the planet. One line of a song in one of her books goes, "Thou canst not stir a flower, without troubling a star." Do you really think that every action, every decision, however random and seemingly insignificant, has such huge potential consequences? If so, it really makes you think- just deciding what to have for lunch today might mean chaos in some galaxy far far away! How can you even decide WHAT to do? That's a pretty ponderous responsibility! What do you think?

The "butterfly effect"- is EVERYTHING really so interconnected?
Ah, the butterfly effect--one of the most abused concepts of the 21st century.

All the butterfly effect has to say is that minute differences can sometimes lead to chaotic changes and that simple deterministic laws don't necessarily result in simple systems. It's not that there is no law governing chaos and that everything is just random. The key concept is deterministic chaos.

As for the interconnections, I do believe everything is interconnected. Newton's Universal Law of Attraction states that every body in the Universe attracts every other body. Every action we do has a consequence that escapes our detection and things would be very different if we didn't do that action in the first place.
Reply:well if you were super drunk and i told you i was god and you should kill would kill yourself and your family would change, you wont have any of the children you would have had....etc. everything effects everything somehow. even if its only the slightest thing
Reply:If our decisions have such great importance, it will be made clear to us that they are important, maybe not of all the ramifications, but we can feel the significance. As we gain greater abilities, we get more power. Mindfulness of our lives is vital.
Reply:Yes, interconnected, like a face in a mirror, and a candle far away in sight.
Reply:roll with it and shake your bon bon. you could stir that flower and create wonder on the other side of the galaxy too.
Reply:I really liked the movie "The Butterfly Effect" with Ashton Kutcher. You should watch it if you haven't. The butterfly effect is linked with the "chaos theory". When I watched the movie, the small connections really made sense. Small decisions really can have a big impact on our lives. Sometimes we make really small decisions which have a huge impact in the long run...
Reply:no..i dont really believe it..

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