Thursday, January 12, 2012

What's your honest opinion when you see someone tattooed?

I'm a 34 year old mom %26amp; have 3 tattoos (ankle flower lei, dragon fly upper center back, and plumeria flowers along lower back.) I'd like to get a whole back piece and wouldn't even mind an upper arm piece. It would be something floral %26amp; colorful not anything dark %26amp; evil looking. The only thing is that as much as I love the way tatts look on guys, I still look at girls that are heavily tatte'd %26amp; think they look rough %26amp; dirty. My husband is all for it but what if someday I got a job where it mattered???? I mean my bro is a cop %26amp; he's got his whole back %26amp; both arms (to sleeve line) done, so I guess as long as it can be covered up it should be ok. Do you think ladies w/ tatts look trashy???

What's your honest opinion when you see someone tattooed?
I LOVE tattoos on men and women. I love them even more when they are on unexpected people who still lead perfectly normal lives because it shows the haters and cruel people that tattoos are for everyone that they are awesome.

Just keep your tattoos within reason, most jobs won't care as long as you keep it covered and in a perfect world, you'll find a job where you can show your tattoos freely.

I say, go for the back piece first and then decide about the arm tattoo.

I have most of a leg piece done and my tattoos while easy to show are easy to piercing are another story :-)
Reply:No actually I think Tats on women are sexy if they are done right. The work you're looking to get should look great as long as its not Betty Boop or Thumper or some other stupid tat. Give the design some thought and do something that makes you smile. I've got two sleeves and I don't regret them a bit. I work in a Bank and wear a suit/tie with long sleeves. No one's the wiser.
Reply:tattos are sexy. Get one!
Reply:a tattoo does not determine class... :) That's all I have to some of the comments that people have made against women and tattoos....not the classiest individuals making those comments. Their comments are closed minded, and they're looking down on individuals....and they seem to try to elevate themselves to something that they may or may not be.
Reply:I love answering this type of question. I absolutely am turned on by tattooed women. Especially when they have nice arm tats. I don't mind seeing evil ones on them either. Trashy, no way!! If you have a job that doesn't allow them to be exposed , well that's one of the drawbacks. People are lightening up though.
Reply:It depends a lot on the tats in my opinion. Seeing people with the same tattoo or a variations of the same tattoo over and over again gets on my nerves and the first thing I think is "Follower", but quality custom work is art, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Reply:I have a tattoo from shoulder to elbow on one arm, one on the top of my other arm, and one on the back of my neck. I work in a law office, and have never once had an issue because of my ink. It's about how you carry yourself, and who you are, that makes you trashy or not.
Reply:Quit worring about what other people think. Do what YOU want with YOUR body. You have to be yourself. I have many many tats and I am in no way trashy. I am married and work in a hospital. I cover some of my tats at work, but my wrists and legs everyone sees. No one even cares. It depends on who you are inside.
Reply:I think if you want it and you carry your tats proudly, it's not trashy. My best friend is 25 and has 19 tattoos. I love whole back pieces. It's taken me a long time to decide what I wanted on my back. For my 22nd birthday, I got angel wings on my back. As long as you're happy with what you have, what does it matter? All of my tats I can cover. I'm not willing to challenge a future career with my body art. Good luck and I hope it looks awesome!
Reply:i love em. if you wanna be able to hide em, do so. if not, show em off. its up to you. i like em.
Reply:i wouldnt go for it to be honest, sounds like the ones you have got are cool, but anymore would be too much!
Reply:If I've read your question correctly you are considering getting a full back piece. If so...what does it matter. No one will see it unless you show it to them. I don't think tattoos make a woman look trashy. Dressing up like a whore, wearing lots of loud makeup while drinking in cheap smoke filled bars....... makes a woman look trashy. I don't think having tattoos has anything to do with it.
Reply:For me, it depends on the total number of tattoos and the location. If a woman has a lot of visible tattoos, i just think TRAMP. If they are small and in different areas, that's OK, but i still wouldn't like more than say 4 on one woman.
Reply:i love them!! its all about customising your body as YOU like it, tattoos are beautiful decorations. i love my tatt's and would love some arm or wrist ones, but as a trainee nurse im not allowed them. as long as they can be covered if they need to be, go for it! xxxx
Reply:so many people on here are going to say that women with tattoos are trashy but i think that is total crap! as long as you as a person aren't trashy and your tattoos are done by a great artist then i say go for it. i am 11 1/2 hours into a full backpiece and i love it! if i had the money i would have it finished NOW! i think you are old enough to have thought about it well enough to make a good decision. just yesterday someone was asking me if i would get tattooed on my arms (currently i just have feet and back) and i told them that it was possible but it would be something i would have to think about for atleast 5 more years to be sure that it was really something i wanted. i say go for it! people are always going to judge you for something. atleast let it be for something beautiful.
Reply:Yes, to me they do. *In general* , from what I have seen, the women who have them are less educated, less ambitious career wise, less fit.. and well...yes, trashy. I'm not sure that stereotype will change's just the way it is. I personally think a small, tasteful, and discreetly located one is fine. "In your face" and overdone - I see as immature and distracting. I would be less inclined to hire someone with visible tatts. I also consider the permanent factor. What you think is cool/sexy now...can become ugly and ridiculous over time. I'm a (straight) woman, but I admire fit women with nice clear skin. I hate seeing it obstructed with permanent art, no matter how "good" the art is. I'd rather see it on paper. Also, when I see back pieces I wonder why the person went through all that pain and work--for me! (I almost feel guilty for being repulsed by it). They never see it, unless they are looking in a mirror all day, right? ;-)
Reply:you can cover up the upper part of the arm and your back, so why not. go for it. i only have one so far, but i would love to have the guts to get a sleeve. your family is the only one you should care about what they think.

do what you want, and don't listen to anyone else.
Reply:Trashy? Not at all. i have 9 tatoos and i love them all.Express yourself the way you want too and don't worry about what others think.
Reply:I don't think that I look trashy. Why would you care what others think of you?? My sister doesn't look trashy either and she has more tats then I do.
Reply:I am 21 and I have 13 of them.... no one has ever told me they are trashy... except my grandparents
Reply:on a female i think a small tatoo on the hip or ankle looks nice, but i dont like people who are covered with them!
Reply:totally depends on the tatoo, hey, have you ever noticed that girls w/ tatoos on lower back tend to be fat?

oh, if the tatoo isn't to dark, like if its bright colors it can look good but don't light colors tend to wear down or something?
Reply:To me personally, a turnoff. Considered low class...

Perhaps acceptable for entertainers.

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