Thursday, January 12, 2012

What sort of parasite is this on my plant?

These are leaves off of a beautiful climbing vine that I have on my side fence. Recently the leaves are turning brown and have this flaky dark substance on the main line in the center of the leaves. Some has moved out towards the center as you can see by the photos.

I would like to know what it is, how to treat it and prevent it.

I really would rather not cut the vine back, if it can be helped, as it is in flower and also is attached to a privacy fence.

What sort of parasite is this on my plant?
Definitely scale. You can remove it by using cotton balls and Isopropyl alcohol. Moisten cotton ball and clean each leaf. Takes a while, but will kill the bug and not harm the plant.

An easier fix is to apply Disyston around the plant, scratch it into the dirt, then water it in. Disyston is a systemic insecticide and will kill a wide variety of parasites. Available at nurseries.

good luck.
Reply:I'm so sorry, but i don't know what kind of plant that is. If possible could you list your region?
Reply:It looks like scale to me. Try spraying it with White Oil. Follow the instructions. Maybe give the plant a dose of Seasol too
Reply:They definately appear to be a member of the scale family of insects. When young, they are soft bodied like aphids and move about on the plant. As they mature, they settle in one place and create a hard shell over their body. Because of this shell, most spray type of insecticides are ineffective against them. Usually the plant will need to be treated with a systemic insecticide that is taken up by the plant and ingested by the insects when they suck the plant's juice.

You should be able to take a couple of the leaves to the local county extension office for a more positive identification and advice on which insecticides are most effective in controlling them.

This service is usually tax supported (free to the residents of the county).
Reply:Looks like you have parasites called scales i think? They are the small brown spots on the bottoms of the leaves which are sucking the life from your plant causing the leaves to wilt and turn brown. I would take a leaf to a local landscape or lawn and garden shop and ask what type of insecticide you would need to rid the pests from your plant.

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