Sunday, January 22, 2012

What is your idea of the Ideal community?

I am not quite talking about knowing your neighbours and things like that but more as to how our community is desgined and built. I live in toronto and know for the most part all we see is roads light posts and parking lots, there is not much more to it, we dont have sidewalk cafes and nice big trees and flowers lining the sidewalks. Crime has taken over, we are forcing more people into toronto housing. So i am asking you what you would like to see in your neighbourhood, (more greenery)if your community is a victim to urban sprawl what would you do if you could to change that. If you already live in a well designed and sustainable city or town, can you let me know what city it is. Thank you so much for helping me out.

What is your idea of the Ideal community?
I live in a very large city with many suburbs. The part that I live in is a combination residential/business neighborhood. There are predominantly 20/30's age young professionals. Many work in the Medical Center here, some are musicians, many work downtown in the oil/gas industry, others work in the businesses near here or the museums. I like it here... I like the energy of the youth and this neighborhood is near great restaurants/ coffee houses ... many of which you can sit outside. Prices are very reasonable here... the economy is fairly strong. The downside is the ongoing construction. More and more businesses and new town homes are being built. The streets need to be widened to accommodate this new traffic. My city has very poor zoning laws, so I know little will change until the sewer systems can no longer handle the new construction. But I do like it here.
Reply:one acre or more with each house 5000 people or less....our populat has quadrupled here and the roads cant handle it...Its maddening..
Reply:My ideal community is kind of like a strip bar, but bigger... much bigger. Oh, and there's free beer.

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