Thursday, January 12, 2012

Need to find title of three young adult books?

The story is about a young girl. She moves with her family, her dad is a preacher and while there she rides her bike through a grave yard and falls and hits her head. Then she starts seeing ghosts and along with this meets the neighbor boy who also talks to the ghosts. In the end they find out the truth while the parents think she's going crazy. And they end up planting flowers (her and the boy, as well as the ghosts) beside the house. Anyone know this book?

Girl grows up acting a certain way, then starts seeing ghosts or something along that line, of a twin sister, personality starts to change. By the end the girl realizes that her twin died and since she was always known as the bad twin, she took over the good twin's perosnality and she came to grips with who she really was.

Book about a group of kids and a carnival in the back of a boarding house or library? Some big building. Don't remember much about that book.

Need to find title of three young adult books?
No clue about 1 and 3, but 2 sounds like Stranger with My Face by Lois Duncan.
Reply:The middle one might possibly by Lois Duncan's "Stranger with my Face". Boston: Little, Brown, 1981. Laurie discovers she had a twin who is able to astral travel.

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