Thursday, January 26, 2012

Need a sparkly eye make-up/rhindestone design for fairy Halloween costume for young teen.?

I bought tiny rhinestones and spirit gum with remover for my daughter halloween costume. She is going to be a beautiful woodland fairy (nothing dark, gothic or scary) She is a young teenager so she dose not want anything childish but beautiful and "realistic" looking. I am looking for a pattern of what to draw around her eye (like fairy wings, flower, pretty pattern). I will draw the pattern around her eye then put spirit gum and outine the pattern in tiny rindestones. If you can find something on line please send me the link or if you are artisticly inclined please draw something new original and beautiful for me it would be great. Thank you so very much for all of your help and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Need a sparkly eye make-up/rhindestone design for fairy Halloween costume for young teen.?
Reply:How many times are you going to ask the same question?


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