Thursday, January 12, 2012

LADIES - I need advice on flowers?

Here's the situation:

I know this girl. We have gone out for "friends" coffee a couple times. We get along well but we aren't "dating" yet. I'm pretty sure she likes me and its more than obvious I like her.

She's going in for surgery on Friday (nothing life threatening) and will be out of commission for about a week. At the same time, I'm going out of town so its not like I'll be around during all this.

I want to send her "get well" flowers. They should be the type that will convey the basic message but also not cross too many lines...but I also plan on attaching a note mentioning our going out on a real date after she recovers and I get back.

Here are my questions:

1.) What kind of flowers say this best?

2.) When should I send them? Before the surgery or after?

3.) Does including the offer of the date with the flowers seem right or should I call/e-mail while she's recovering?

Thanks in advance

LADIES - I need advice on flowers?
1) Orchids. Roses are common these days. Everybody gets roses. They smell beautiful, they look beautiful, but orchids are rare and elegant, like she is.

2) Send them after the surgery. She'll have too much on her mind before the surgery and it'd be nice to look at them while she's recovering.

3) No. Sending her flowers is more than enough in recovery. She's going to be worried about how the surgery went, how soon she'll be able to go home and see her family or whatever. Just sending the flowers will send the message that you have her best concerns at heart (not that you're trying to get into her pants via pity.)

4) Don't call her while she's recovering to ask her out. Just ask her if she liked the flowers, how she's feeling, when she thinks she'll go home, what the doctors think, etc. when you get back is the best time to ask her out again. When she looks well enough that she might feel up to it.

Best of luck! You're really sweet.
Reply:Definitely roses. Not red--they mean love and not yellow--they mean friendship and you want more. Pink is perfect although I'm not sure of the meaning of giving pink roses. You should give them to her before surgery because she will be nervous and they will make her smile and you will score points because she will be emotional and think that it is sweet that you were thinking of her.

Do not ask her on a date she has enough on her mind. Wait until you return and you visit her while she is recuperating. You can tell her that you were thinking about her and that you are so glad she is doing well... And then you ask her on a date.
Reply:ok you should probably send white lilys they r cheerful yet romantic.I for one would love that.Roses r to much After the surgery u dont want her to stress out before the surgery.I think its a good idea to send it with the flowers or after she gets out of the hospitol!!!
Reply:You should send a mixed bouquet of flowers, not too many carnations, but a mixture of exotic type flowers. Whatever you do don't send a cheap bouquet, it's better not to send it at all if it looks cheap. Now there is nothing wrong with a cheap bouquet of flowers, but those should be handed personally to the woman. Send them the day of the surgery and call her several days later. When you talk to her tell her you didn't want to call too soon because you wanted to give her a chance to rest. As far as the note I think it is nice to offer a date with the flowers, I think she will really like that.
Reply:1) Send her the kind of Flowers she likes

2) Send them BEFORE she goes into surgery, so she can be thinking about you during it.

3) I think including that little message in the flowers in sooo cute and romantic. I think she'll love it. I would!
Reply:I agree with getrd2go.
Reply:I would send the flowers before the surgedry. You stay pretty groggy and out of it for a few days aftedr plus thed pain meds can make a person forgetful. What ever her favorite flowers are will say it best and you can put the invite on the card but you should also call and ask. The card and email are too impersonal.
Reply:I would take her Daisy's after the surgery...and wait until she is home to ask her on a date.

You could bring her dinner the night she returns from the hospital and tell her when she's feeling better you would like to take her out for a "REAL DINNER".

This are keeping things friendly, and showing your interest in her without coming on too strong.

Good Luck.
Reply:1. Pink carnations or whichever color or lilies.

2. Deffinitily send them after the surgery so when she wakes up and feels groggy shell at least feel happy that she has flowers from you.

3. You could offer a date on the card when you give her the flowers but its also great to call. I dont know so much about emailing, I know I wouldnt like to be asked out on a date through a computer.

Take Care, and best wishes.
Reply:1.) I would send her roses or ask what her fav. are then get those or ask you're florist.

2.) I would send sum before and after so she will know that sumone is thinking of her through all this and she can think of you and all that.

3.) I think you should include the date thing on the before flowers.

And last of all I think you are sooo sweet doing this and all.
Reply:1. explain your situation to the florist, they have heard it all and know the right flowers.

2. send them before the surgery. that way she knows that someone is thinking about her and will have something nice to think about before the operation.

3. ask her out later. the flowers should only be about the surgery. call her to ask her once she's out of the hospital.
Reply:Get a bouquet of mix flowers. I would avoid roses just because they send a certain message. I would send them before the surgery so she knows you are thinking about her. I personally would include the offer of the date with the flowers. Gives her something to look forward to.
Reply:Go with a get well mix, send them before she feels cruddy, and let her know you care and would like to see her when she gets better, also, ask if there is anything you can do for her while she is recovering.
Reply:1. RED ROSES


Reply:The best thing you could do is try to find out what two types of flowers she likes most, ask a friend of hers. Once you find out send them to her. Send her one of her favorite flowers to her before surgery and the other kind after. Dont ask her out on a date with the flowers, wait till she has recovered a little bit then ask her for a romantic outing.Hope it all goes good for you. Good luck!
Reply:Here are my answers:

1.) Wild flowers ( or a bunch of different types mixed together)

2.) The day of, that way they will be there when she wakes up.

3.) I would wait and ask her when she is feeling better. Call her a couple times after she's home and when you get back ask her!

Reply:A nice bouquet of mixed spring flowers or bouquet of different color carnations would be nice. Make it as big as you can afford t pay. Send them before the surgery and on the note say something to the effect that everything will be fine (even if its not life threatening, i bet she is still scared of going under the knife). Do not ask her out then. Call her after her surgery -same day or the day after, and ask her how she feels. Then snick into the conversation that since she was so brave during the surgery you would like to reward her and take her out to dinner.
Reply:I say send daises after the surgery. if she is going to be staying in the hospital for a few days have them sent to her room. I think it would be a special little touch to put your date proposal on the card of the flowers. she will love it!
Reply:ok red roses mean love yellow roses mean loyalty and white roses mean friendship......... send them after tha surgery and ofer a date for when she is better maybe as like a getting out thing good luck
Reply:1.) My favorite flowers are daisies but not all girls like them so I would suggest a bouquet of a mixed arrangement with carnations, daisies and lillies. Roses can be in the mix, but make sure there are no red. Possibly Pink/Purple and white.

2.) Send them after the surgery

3.) I think that the date offer with the flowers would be a good idea. It should put a bigger smile on her face. Besides she could always save one of the flowers with the card as a reminder of how you first asked her out on a real date.

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