Sunday, January 15, 2012

I am border line asthmatic and love summer time, but ............?

the air conditioners, slightest temperature change, or when I wake up I can not breathe and go into coughing fits. The doctors say they can't prescribe me anything because it's not asthma; it's only borderline. Any suggestions? I can't wait to go back out side to plant some more flowers or go for a simple walk in the park....HELP!!!

I am border line asthmatic and love summer time, but ............?
I use a bronchial inhaler that helps me out with that,

Go to your local drugstore and ask for primetine mist (epinephrine). This will help a ton but dont over do it, follow instructions. Its over the counter and should cost about 10-14 dollars. Use the generic brand, its the same thing as those high cost ones.
Reply:This might not be the answer for you, but did you hear about the findings recently that some asthmatics are actually infected with the same bacterium that causes pneumonia? I don't know if there's a test for it, but the cure is simple antibiotics.
Reply:I am the same thing, except it is mostly when i do sport that i cant breath and start wheezing. the doctor should be able to give you something! I hardly have asthma at all, and I'm on puffers! try those air moisturizers while you sleep
Reply:Take an anti-histamine. I have had almost no problems this year asthma-wise because I have just taken them solidly. Make sure they work for you though - there are loads of different ones but Cetirizine seems to be the only one that has any affect on me. If you want a non-drowsy one, there is Lorotadine.
Reply:Hi there....must try to chime in here and clear things up for you a bit....I've lots of problems with the term "borderline" ANYTHING in medicine, and as a certified's certainly the case about Asthma as well!! BOTTOM LINE: Get your doc to refer to an Allergist in your area (or self refer if you can on your health plan without financial penalty) and get a full work-up to rule IN or rule OUT bronchial asthma as a diagnosis for you, for once and for all!! GOOD LUCK!!! With proper patient education, you ought to do just fine if you ARE an asthma patient after all!!!

motor scooter

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