Sunday, January 22, 2012

How can I treat a 7 yr old plant that has new brown spots on its large leaves (Non-flowering, thick trunk)?

I don't know the name of the plant, but another person (Brunette) asked a similar question on this site 7 mo's ago, and the description of her plant most closely resembles mine. It can grow very large and tall, has large dark green leaves that have light green lines on them. My plant has been very healthy and I've done nothing different that I'm aware of. It gets medium sunshine and water once a week. First time I'm noticing spots, which are brown, and appear as burned areas. They began showing up on the lower leaves first, and are now moving up the plant to the higher leaves. My plant is about 3 feet tall. Is this a soil issue? I recently did add some potting soil to all my plants. I've seen quite a few questions about brown or black spots on different varieties of plants. Is it the same sickness affecting all of them? Does anyone know how to treat and save the affected plants?

How can I treat a 7 yr old plant that has new brown spots on its large leaves (Non-flowering, thick trunk)?
It sounds like you have a Dracena Grandiflora or Dracena Marginata. If you click on the link below, it will take you to a site that shows different Dracena's with brown spots. Brown spots can be caused by various problems so compare your plant with the images and click on the image that resembles your plant/problem. It will help you diagnose the problem with remedies. It may take a bit of research, but hope it helps.;q=...

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