Sunday, January 22, 2012

How can I let my wife know how special she is when I am working on the other side of the world?

Something different that can be bought or done on-line (already thought of that, you bunch of perverts)and forget flowers, so old hat!!!

How can I let my wife know how special she is when I am working on the other side of the world?
I think if you just beep her on her mobile as often as you miss her, it will be just like feeling your love heartbeat close to hers.

She will certainly play this game with you, so even if you cannot afford to talk as much as you would like (if you were rich, you were not working far from home, is it ?) you will find a joy in saying 'good morning' and 'good night' to you daily...

Believe me, i am experienced, love is stronger than distance and such a cheap trick could help love... because it is romantic.
Reply:Get on a plane and go visit her!
Reply:just saing u luv her and find a song that she luv and sing it to her
Reply:E-cards from yahoo are sweet %26amp; you can ammed the words to suit your needs.

Its nice to get one of those out of the blue..

aww bless you. x
Reply:Buy something on ebay %26amp; have it shipped to her.
Reply:sent her a brand new hybrid
Reply:Make a video of yourself going through your daily rituals. Ensure you point out what during the day makes you think of her and why. Toward the end of the video, sit down and look into the camera and tell her that she is your world. You could also sing her a song on camera if you are into that type of thing.
Reply:send her flowers or a care package (candles and foods she likes),

surprise visit her - make it a complete SURPRISE,

call her when you know she'll just be waking up and tell her you wanted to be the first thing on her mind,

buy her some lingerie for when you do visit,

plan to do something specail like a romantic getaway when you visit

- AND whatever you decide send her a 'ticket' you made up so that she has something specail to look forward to (except the surprise visit of course). so many things - a LITTLE effort goes a LONG way!
Reply:How about a plane ticket to where you're at, so she can come and see you, take the weekend off and spend some time showing her the place you're working in (unless it's a hell hole I suppose)!
Reply:Send her two tall handsome male escorts!

Just joking just joking!!!

A poem, flowers (interflora), small gifts... Phone calls at random times (by that I don't mean 3:00 am her time!) just to tell her you love her... All the schmaltzy corny stuff works if the feelings behind them are genuine, do it and you can't go wrong. What we want to see is that you care.

Just the fact that you are asking this question shows that you care and are a special guy. She's a lucky lady.
Reply:Well , there is nothing wrong with getting interflora or another company to send flowers from time to time. It is traditional and romantic.

But you probably call her all the time so just keep telling her how much she means to you and that you miss her ( make her feel wanted ) . You can send email greetings/cards , poems , romantic poems , tell her how yo9u wish she was with you and what great things you could be doing togetther. Tell her things like how you cant wait to get home and gently tease and give hints on something special that you are going to do together when you get back.

Things like that should make her feel wanted and show that you miss her and think of her when you are away
Reply:A Gorilla-gram!!

Bless you, she's a lucky lady
Reply:try to bring her a very nice thing from the place where you are at ... and put a note on it with " You are Always with me " or something like that ...
Reply:How about making a video diary of a day in the life of you... showing how your everyday events aren't the same without her.. get me?
Reply:the three magical words "i love u " or "i miss u" can cause her to feel in the magical word so u just have to know how to say it in a sensual way(passionate)
Reply:Balloon in a box - seriously. There's a company that do that!

It's a regular box that when opened, out pops a helium balloon (you get to choose the design) with confetti. I think you can add extras too. You'll have to Google search. I don't know the name of the company/ies and can't be bothered to look it up for you. Have got to go and mow the lawn, 'cos hubby is away :((
Reply:I've heard of people thinking of thier loved one, hundreds of miles away, %26amp; they could feel them thinking of them. But I do think any %26amp; all little signs you could send her will strengthen ur relationship, maybe have a friend near her do some little thing for you, like tie a yellow ribbin or something.
Reply:write a poem send a note also put an add in her hometown paper
Reply:Send her this and tell her you love her.

If I could catch a rainbow

I would do it just for you

And share with you its beauty

On the days you're feeling blue.

If I could build a mountain

You could call your very own;

A place to find serenity,

A place to be alone.

If I could take your troubles

I would toss them in the sea,

But all these things I'm finding

Are impossible for me.

I cannot build a mountain

Or catch a rainbow fair,

But let me be what I know best,

A friend who's always there.

(c Sandra Lewis Pringle)
Reply:Email her the link to this page
Reply:Maybe you need to just reasure her you love her and say it with special words...

Email her, text her, whatever.. And say the words in your heart...

Contact a friend of hers and see about her getting away for a week/weekend to relax....
Reply:Not leave and go to the other side of the world you jack ***.
Reply:Surprise her by flying over for a weekend - unannounced? How does that sound... might be exp, but then I'm sure she's worth it!
Reply:Its nice to see you care about her like this! Why don't you get her something that reminds you both of a special time you shared together for instance a bottle of the champagne you had at you wedding or a bottle of the perfume she wore at your wedding? I think that if you try to make it something personal like this then she will feel that you have put alot of thought into it. Alternatively make her something yourself like a card.

Such a nice thought, you obviously love her!
Reply:i will tell her 2 night for you
Reply:You don't have to buy anything ..the key is just keeping in touch. I tried to think of myself in your wife's situation and all I could think of was that I would like to hear from you as often as possible. Make verbal and written contact as often as you can.
Reply:send a card, once a day. Don't show up unannounced, she maybe out of town
Reply:i think that u should do sumthing to show that u do love her like write a song or a poem something that would make her heart flutter.......just something to let her know that she is not going to lose u.........God bless and i hope that everything works out for u.......remember absence makes the heart grow fonder.......
Reply:dig a tunnel through the earth. Just dig in the right direction.
Reply:Send her a card expressing you undying love.
Reply:Write a love letter to her everyday. It doesn't have to be long. A few short intimate words. It is something she can read when she is sad, loney or blue and she will treasure it for life.


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