Thursday, January 12, 2012

How can I get my neighbor to move shrubs off of the property line?

she is a horriable screw of a woman she stands out there and makes little remarks about me and my family we are white and she doesn't like white people I know this because she only get along with the black couple that live on this street which we do to and they have told me she doesn't like white people and the fact that I don't work and my husband does makes it even worst.I had made a rock garden with some flowers and such and well rocks and a couple of kneeling angels and a fountain as a memorial for a baby we lost this year and she was talking about it yesterday and said it looked stupid this draws the line with me.She has some shrubs that are one my line how do I make her get them off.

How can I get my neighbor to move shrubs off of the property line?
Well, lets move the racial element aside, black, white, or green - same questions get the same anwers. SO.. with that said..

You have two issues..

a) Dealing with your neighbor so that you can avoid her cutting remarks and so that you minimize the provocation that cause them; and

b) How to deal with encroaching vegetation.

Ok.. I have been dealing with issues like this for a few decades and been to court as a expert witness enough to tell you that this is a battle that will get worse until you deal in a solid manner.

Her racial preference is regretable but unchangeable so you need to deal with it. My suggestion is staged as follows:

1) Get a survey.. or somehow determine EXACTLY where your property line is. Don't guess, KNOW it.

2) Construct a legal (and tall) fence about 3" INSIDE of your property - that way you own BOTH sides of the fence (if you build it ON the property line it becomes half hers - another problem waiting to happen).

3) Send her a registered letter telling her what you have done and informing her that:

a) it is YOUR fence completely on your property and it is not the property line (no need to give her a copy of the survey unless you want to). This way you have recourse if she paints it or hangs something on it or builds on to it.

b) You are not giving up the rights to any portion of your property which may be on her side of the fence.

4) In the course of construction, you are likely entitled to trim any of the plants that are on your side of the line so long as you do not kill or harm the remainder of the plant that is on her side (this is California law.. you need to check it for whatever state you reside in).

With the fence up, you can enjoy your memorial in peace and will minimize the future interactions from your neighbor.

(sorry about your child... hope this helps a bit).

Reply:You want to have no confrontation with her at all.

Don't even talk to her.....Ignore her.

Talking to her only encourages her.

She probably knows she is getting to you.

Really they are just bushes.....They aren't doing any harm.

But if your dead set on doing away with them.

At night or when shes not home and no ones watching put weed killer on the bushes.

Only thing is she is likely to replant.

Truly best thing to do is totally ignore her all together.
Reply:just cut off whats on your lawn...

give her the chance to move them, even write her a letter with the date on it for when she needs to have them moved by or you'll have to do it yourself.. that way when you do have to take care of it she cant say she wasnt warned and you have proof
Reply:live life a little and take a lawn mower or weed wacker, or a pair of hedge clippers, get a shovel what ever it takes and get that crap off your property line, be fearless! take back what is yours!
Reply:If her shrubs are over the property line then you have every right to go and cut down what is on your property. DO NOT cut anything that is on her property..... Good Luck :) This lady sounds like a wacko
Reply:There is nothing worse than having nasty neighbours.Try not to antagonize her despite iknow you feel you want too. The end of the day you have done nothing wrong and haven't got a problem it is her.

Simply tell her you are thinking of putting a small fence up and can she please remove the plants. That will give her the opportunity to replant them else where. If she causes a fuss or does not do anything, dig them up and put a fence there instead. Depending on your budget it does not have to be a large fence that needs concreting in you could buy a very small one from your local DIY store and just push it in the ground.

Good luck
Reply:Leave the shrubs there, consider them the lot line, and ignore her. If you ignore her she'll get bored and move on to another person to bother. You make it fun for her! Forget the white/ Black thing. She is just a crabby old lady. If you have to put up a privacy fence or even just a partition and enjoy your own yard. The rock garden and flowers and fountain sound beautiful. Don't listen to her, just live life and enjoy your own space. Don't let her or your loss make you cranky and bitter. You be the bigger person and I pray blessings for you.

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