Sunday, January 15, 2012

Help with analyzing this poem by Robert Frost: Nothing Gold Can Stay?

Nature's fist green is gold,

Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaf's a flower;

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay.

Can someone take me line by line and help find the meaning to this poem?

Help with analyzing this poem by Robert Frost: Nothing Gold Can Stay?
Other people have done the line-by-line quite effectively, so I'm not going to....but one of the overall themes is that part of the beauty in life/nature lies in its impermanence--ie the fact that everything beautiful fades and/or dies.
Reply:Line 1 The first green of the season is extremely worthwhile and valueable to tha author

Line 2 once spring has begon istr comes in an onset and that first moment is only temporary

Line 3 NAtures early greening is comparable to a blooming flower

Line 4Again the beigining of natures spring cycle is only for a brief moment and temporary

line 5 then that turning point has past and leads to continued growth

Line6 Eden is a reference to paradise in the begining and how once that new era moved on Eden grieved

Line 7 again he is remphasising that after that moment, that "dawn" is over it is just day and not as special to him

Line 8 Gold is that twilight moment for him and it cannot last....thus making it more rare and precious like gold

next time do your own critical thinking but this one's on me
Reply:will start from the first line,

-Nature's fist green is gold,,

all trees give off a natural glow.. l

-Her hardest hue to hold

odvisouly its hard for humans to hold gold

-Her early leaf's a flower

saying flower appears before the left

-But only so an hour.

he exsaggerates by saying only last an hour..

-Then leaf subsides to leaf

the early leaf dies new one grows

-So Eden sank to grief,

this expalains how he wants gold to be gold leaft to leaft eden to be eden... as thi poem is talkin about life death etc.. from

the garden of eden.....

-So dawn goes down to day

Nothing gold can stay.

thats basically cuming back to reality. the human cycle day nite day nite it basicaly say nothing gold can stay it is a very sad line but thats the truth of life.. were born we grow we get old then die.. if u look back on the metaphores each line explains that.. it talks baout humankind and related it to nature... this poem is very opening thanks for asking lol...
Reply:1st line- "green" refers to niavete/innocence

2nd line- innocence is hard to hold onto

3rd line-a flower is also something that represents innocence and newness

4th line- only for a short time does innocence last

5th line- time passes

6th line- paradise/innocence was lost in the garden of eden

7th line- time passes

8th- innocence passes.

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