Thursday, January 26, 2012

Do you think that women are treated worse now than they were years ago?

I know they are.Years ago the women were a bit special A bloke had to work to get one, You know, all those cr.p chat up lines, Flowers, choclets and all that cheese. Now it's easy, all you do is to go out and get one, No thought about it, no worries as to wether they are already fixed up or not, All you have to do is to clean yourself up and go and get one. I aint nothing special although my mum loves me but I can honestly say that I have never gone out on the pull without taking something home. Maybe it's because I don't really care weather I do or not. I don't think the birds see me as a threat. But I am a bit envious when I hear my old man talk about having to ponce about waiting for the girl to turn up and all that. How they could'nt do the business for at least two or three dates and then the geezer really had to work for it. It must have been fun. What do you girls think? Is it better for you now do you think? or would you rather have lived in the old days?

Do you think that women are treated worse now than they were years ago?
Having lived through the 60's, then the age of feminism, I have mixed feelings about this. Personally, I love it when men treat a lady with special courtesy - standing up when she enters the room, opening doors, doffing hats, using respectful language etc. I think women lost a lot of this respect when they gained 'equality' and sexual freedom. I also think that many women, particularly mothers, now struggle to manage more complicated lives as they are expected to work as well as run the home and look after children - and stay slim and beautiful too!
Reply:In our world, not talking about afganistan or any of those places, any woman treated badly is treated just the way she wants/deserves. It is a respect thing. Yeah, I'm no innocent girl, and yeah, more than once I gave it up for nothing, but I was expecting nothing more. But when searching for a serious relationships, it is best to demand respect. How? By respecting ourselves first. I have also had the guy buy me flowers and open the door for me, and to this day, my SO does so, but once again, it depends on the image I project, and how educated he is. No matter how much a girl respects herself, if she looks for a guy in the swamp, she won't get anything other than a vicious snake.
Reply:Rather have lived in the old days. When women had respect for theirselves and didn't have so many one night stands.

it would have been nice to have gone out with a guy who would make you feel special and buy you flowers and gifts but i suppose if they were really thinking what all men are these days id rahter not be fooled
Reply:I like being independant and working and not just having to cook, clean, and care for the children like us women had to long ago. I think that some women are treated better and some are not.
Reply:way back when.. women had to do everything, it was there job to stay home, to cook, to clean, to cater to their men. there was also a law passed for women's rights. still today I hear men say "because your a girl", no matter what men won't be fair to women, you see on the news all these men killing their wifes %26amp; children like they can take control. absolutely sickness me, burn in hell assholes. very rare do I see men hold open doors for women %26amp; say "ladies first".
Reply:I think the women started to mess around with equal rights and rest followed. In the old days no women would be running a bank or be in the army. They started in the '60 to ask for more and today they have it all.

The role of man in our society has changed. It is slowly disappearing

I did go on the pull when i was younger and did feel cheated because i was hoping for something more then few hours of fun

The question now is " how the women are treating us?"
Reply:sounds like you answerwed your own question sounds like your old man is getting a bit and you aint? and dont seem to care whom you pull and take home?more like you cannot cope with him indoors rage and jealousy then get rid of him i dont understand why you put yourself down this question is to do with your life style not the old days!!!!....
Reply:it was always HARD for women ever since the begining of time, its bad enough we're below the male race since God declare them as dominant. we were always looked at AS sex toys or baby machines, we were literally bought and sold as slaves or 'treat time' back in ancient times, we always have to prove ourselves to the world, like the women's movement, that should not have to happen in order to have equal rights, it has always been hard
Reply:Hell no they aren't. Women have it too damn good. That's why they've got these ideas they can step all over a man. Even our laws allow women to stomp on our nads. Wake up America, check yo bitches! They are evil. Woman commited the first sins, first deceptions, and was the first to "cheat" the woman who's answer contained all that nonsense from the "bible", I don't know what book you read, but you need to be checked too....morons!
Reply:Well there two slants on that are only looking at the sex side. In the olden days, sure women probably got more respect from men, or men treated them better in that they bought flowers etc. But then again, in the olden days women were inferior to men, had fewer opportunities, and once they had a man, were expected to be the housewife, do the chores, bring up the children etc, whilst the man did as he pleased. As far as I can see the olden days the man gave the woman more respect....until he had her, then carried on as normal.

Now, fair enough women may be considered to have "lower standards" Or that it iseasy for men to "have their way with" women and just move on from it. really is up to the woman if they choose to be treated like this.....I personally would never allow a man to treat me like this, and would make a guy earn my respect, and so i earn his respect. Also, aside from sex, women now are much more free, and have more opportunities to take up the occupation they want to pursue.

There are different opinions on how women ae treated now and back then........but women should only be treated how they choose to be treated.

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